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Author Topic: DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!  (Read 2782 times)

Offline eNeMyTooTH
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2001, 05:16:30 PM »
This guy is an idiot, he has lost all of my respect and needs to open up his eyes.

What\'s he to say that a game sucks, especially if the certain game is his rival.. He\'s not going to praise the thing..

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2001, 05:18:46 PM »
VF4 is his rivial and he said it was well made, a fun game to play.

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2001, 09:01:20 PM »
Well he makes good points about tekken 4. I mean it is kind  of cheap and very disappointing for game that has come this far. But jeesh this guy must have not played doa2 with it\'s lack luster story and no debth characters.

Tekken is bad but so is doa. They are both fun cheap games to play.
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2001, 09:03:23 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
VF4 is his rivial and he said it was well made, a fun game to play.

Just because he doesn\'t want it to be a rival doesn\'t mean it won\'t be.  Like I said before, he is in for a huge surprise when Tekken 4, the so-called non-rival, blows DOA3 out of the water sales wise.  Maybe he forgot how big the PS2 userbase really was. :rolleyes:
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2001, 09:25:30 PM »
Maybe he forgot how big the PS2 userbase really was.

That\'s what i was saying before, about the two. PS2 has a big user base while DOA3 will be coming out when xbox launches.

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2001, 10:18:19 PM »
Originally posted by Samwise
He sure sounds very confident for a guy who is developing the most shallow fighter series out there.

Well, didn\'t I hear a ton of crap related to how Tekken 4 had really terrible control and honestly, the graphics are 5 steps back.

Tekken 4 is easily the most shallow out of all the next generation fighters.  Lets not even go there.

I don\'t think that was him saying that stuff and If it was then I don\'t agree how he said it.   However, lets not be a dumbass about these things.  Tekken 4 needs a ton of work and I am not comparing it to any other fighter.

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2001, 10:21:45 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist

Just because he doesn\'t want it to be a rival doesn\'t mean it won\'t be.  Like I said before, he is in for a huge surprise when Tekken 4, the so-called non-rival, blows DOA3 out of the water sales wise.  Maybe he forgot how big the PS2 userbase really was. :rolleyes:

  I don\'t know about that DOA3 is an Xbox launch title and it seems the xbox is going to very well in the USA for Christmas.

  As big as the userbase is, most of it is in Japan and DVD\'s are still selling... :)  Notice how most of the PS2 titles arn\'t even in the top 10... :) doh!

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2001, 12:10:43 AM »
Originally posted by Docwiz
Well, didn\'t I hear a ton of crap related to how Tekken 4 had really terrible control and honestly, the graphics are 5 steps back.

Tekken 4 is easily the most shallow out of all the next generation fighters.  Lets not even go there.

I don\'t think that was him saying that stuff and If it was then I don\'t agree how he said it.   However, lets not be a dumbass about these things.  Tekken 4 needs a ton of work and I am not comparing it to any other fighter.
Well dear Docwiz, I was talking about the Tekken series vs. the DoA series - where Tekken IMO beats DoA control wise. I didn\'t exactly compare T4 and DoA3 directly, seeing as how I haven\'t tried neither of them and none of them have been released on PS2/Xbox yet. I still stand by my opinion, but you can think otherwise if you so wish. To each his own.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2001, 02:14:51 AM »
As big as the userbase is, most of it is in Japan and DVD\'s are still selling...  Notice how most of the PS2 titles arn\'t even in the top 10...  doh!

Yup, I just can\'t wait till all those X-box games flood Japan and they sell bucketloads. :rolleyes:

/ dm /

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2001, 09:35:59 PM »
Originally posted by Docwiz

Tekken 4 is easily the most shallow out of all the next generation fighters.  Lets not even go there.

By all means... Please. Explain how Tekken is the most shallow.

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2001, 09:38:02 PM »
I am glad you are passing judement on this guy without playing either game (most of you).

I have played Tekken 4, and a 3D fighting game doesn\'t have to do much to be better than that, IMO. My bet is going to DOA3, although I never liked it either, at least it was pretty fun to play.

VF4 owns all. It will be REALLY interesting to see what VF4\'s sales will do in the mother country, compared to both, muhuhahahaha!

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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2001, 12:10:06 PM »
Tekken has never been a good game IMO.  Their combos are ridiculous and the control is awkward.  T4 is terrible if you ask me.
But i think what hurts this game the most is that it tries to be VF.  It tries to be deep and meaningful and it falls on its face.

VF is king.  It\'s simple.

On the other hand DOA is like chocolate or desert.  It\'s fun, admittably shallow, but it doesn\'t try to be a deep complex fighter (a la VF).

If I want to fight, I go with VF everytime. If I want to have a few drinks, and have some fun, DOA can be a lot of fun.
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2001, 05:28:30 PM »
i hate to say this guys...i have been playing the crap out of DOA2 and love it.

am i missing something?

and just because tekken ruled in the past is no insurance it will continue...if better fighters come out, word will get around quick.
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I\'ve played Tekken 4...
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2001, 05:49:15 PM »
Yes, Da NU has played T4... And while I wont go as far as far as saying "Tekken 4 is a piece of ****"(:rolleyes: ), I will say this:

I can see why Itagaki San dissed it... There weren\'t any major improvements to the battle system, and the characters didn\'t feel like they were in a complete 3D enviroment. And it does have a rather incomplete feeling... Like it was rushed(And it was). Its a good game, dont get me wrong. I\'ll be playing it to death when it comes out for the PS2(More than DOA3, I\'m sure), but I\'m just saying that I think Itagaki\'s *****in\' is somewhat justified... S\'all.

The improvements I wanna see? 8-Way-Run movement just like in Soul Calibur. The characters have that slow movin\', walkin\' around in glue feeling like the fighters in DOA2 did when you tried to move \'em around(Thankfully, this problem has been solved in DOA3). And... The graphics. The graphics engine doesn\'t look that much improved from TTT. The animations have improved a bit, thats pretty noticable, but everything else... Neh. Re-do it for the PS2, Namco! :bounce:

Thats about it... Oh yeah! And Jin kicks ass! :D
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DOA3 creator bashes Tekken 4!
« Reply #44 on: September 11, 2001, 01:50:14 AM »
Originally posted by Chrono
I think this is the worst case of company/game bashing i\'ve ever heard from another company.

But just wait, a xbox fanboy will be here telling you this is common practice in the industry.

    Yeah, just like you dumb****s say nothing about Trip Hawkins or the BIG creator of the PSX or PS2 saying crap about the xbox.

    I honestly think either PS2 fanboys like you are stupid or too blind to see through to the real world.


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