I can say jak and Dexter is not triple A because it really doesn\'t look that sensational, it has no buzz (besides here and forum readers do not make up a sizeable audience). I mentioned this in another thread, but JD looks like every platformer out there--collecting coins, jumping puzzles and cute little bad guys. From the 30 second clip I didn\'t see anything I haven\'t seen before in Mario, Crash or Sonic. It may sell well, but it\'s not a killer ap. And as nice as the graphics are, it doesn\'t stack up against the graphics of Xbox or GC. MO, flame away.[/b]
LOL I am not gonna flame. Well it looks awesome and has some great features. Rather or not a games sells or tanks. A great game is a great game sells or not.
Yes, but these games are far off, no one has played them, they may not even come out. Project K-X is a first attempt and is going against big name opponents. To think that it will instantly become a revolution and surpass DOA3, T4 and VF4 is a big leap of faith. Ego is a very PC like game (by the sounds of things). Traditionally, PC style games have not done very well on consoles. No one can say if this will be good with any certainty. Add to that the fact that Black and White, while a good game, didn\'t achieve all it had intended and the sales weren\'t exactly staggering. At this point it is not a sytem seller--casual gamers do no buy a system for games that are coming out a year or two from the time of purchase. Casual gamers have not even heard of PKX or Ego.[/b]
JUST because casual gamers have not heard of a game does not mean it is not a great title. And if you look into ego more you will find out that the developers are trying to do things never done in any other RPG with the game. As for Pjct Kx how can you say that it won\'t surpass other fighting games? If developers thought like that where would we be now?:eek:
No kidding. I never said anything to the contrary, but a normal good game does not move a system like Mario or something of that nature. Take this debate to a thread that will give it some relevance..[/b]
uMM Mario may draw you into buying a system. But there has too be decent quality games under mario to keep the system selling.
Again you make no sense and make stupid assumtions. Firstly, DC is a 6 month exclusive. I did play the previous games. But since it is eventualy going to be considered for other consoles it doesn\'t make that much sense to buy an xbox so you can have this game for that 6 month period. Also if CAPCOM said, Street Fighter series is only coming to xbox. That would be huge and would sell MS consoles. DC, while a good game, doesn\'t carry that weight..[/b]
Can you give a link too where you heard dc3 was coming to ps2?
The titles I listed (hopefully) are games that people see and think: "Wow I haven\'t seen something like this on any other console. I need ." Other games are just games that complement the bigger titles, but in most cases aren\'t the reason for a $500 investment. A casual gamer will hear about mario for GC and buy on faith. A casual gamer will see pictures of DOA3 and buy because it looks fantastic. A casual gamer walks into EB and sees JD and Mario side by side. WHich controller is that person going to pick up first? [/B]
I agree casual gamers will bye games based on flashy graphics. And mass marketing. But like I said before just because a game is not loved bye millions of casual gamers does not mean it is not a awesome game.:eek: