Just a seperate company, owned partially by both, that ports, translates games.
Now, that doesn\'t mean I believe that Square won\'t come to Nintendo one form or anther. Specifically, FFXI. A game, thats completely online. A game that needs a maximum of userbase since online playing isn\'t for everyone (epecailly consoles users). I would not be surprise to see this game coming to the GC. Saying that, I extremely doubt Square would make FFXI exclusive for said reasons why it might be coming to all systems.
And QuDDus, there is always room to be surprised. And rumors, so out there, could be true. However, this rumor, no one really knows that this rumor came from Nintendo. For all we know, it came from a man on the street. Saying that, also, I don\'t think anyone here saw Resident Evil becoming a Nintendo exclusive coming either. I don\'t think there was even a rumor to that news before that happened.