Originally posted by Videoholic
Glad you aren\'t American. If you were you would probably realize that we aren\'t war freaks.
Where is this we crap coming from? I was talking about BUSH. Not the USA in total.
Glad u aren’t Australian.. Probably have the intellect of a wombat.. no that\'s too smart for you.. Probably don\'t even know what a wombat is... How bout, platypus.
Or you probably don\'t even know the name of our prime minister.
We believe in defending what we believe in. Maybe you believe in hijacking plans and ramming them into buildings, but that is rather un-American.
Maybe i believe your a ignorant tool. But that\'s rather un-American. What, u think the rest of the world are savage beasts that go high jacking planes just to fly them into buildings filled with thousands of people.. Uhh yea. I do that on a daily occasion.
After all, Australia is just a wasteland, and i live in a hut. :rolleyes:
I do believe in defending a country. I don\'t believe in going into ANOTHER country to ATTACK terrorists. Ones called, DEFENCE the other is called retaliation. I do believe that one day.. maybe just one day. a American teacher will teach more then just American history.. maybe he will teach worlds history.
I don\'t think anyone "wants" to go to war, but if we don\'t fight these terrorist they will take over your country some day.
Dood, are u 2? There\'s 250 Million Americans. I doubt very much u will be over run with terrorists.. Unless your country is full of dumbsh@ts...
I think then you would probably say, "I sure wish the US would have taken care of business back then because we can\'t defend ourselves on our own." "Whoa is me, Whoa is me."
You still can defend yourselves on your own... Bush just wants to make sure he destroys his enemies. (War monger) He loves war; I even said it before he was elected. Like I said. There defence, and there\'s revenge. He is DEFENDING USA\'s pride.. He is Attacking the terrorists on a revenge.
Kinda like..
Someone shoots at u.. You duck and cover.. Then shot back... That\'s defence.
Then there\'s.
Someone shoots at u, you duck and cover. Then he runs off...
So u think.. Ohh this prick.. He attacked me.. Now I must get him back... So u chase the person too his house... and shot him multiple times. That\'s revenge.
but what would i know.. i just live in a hut.. wait my ride is here.. gotta go catch it.. I hate kangaroos.. bastards are hard to catch.
Sorry if i pissed off anyone. I\'m just being Un-American.