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Author Topic: Console "war" outlook  (Read 763 times)

Offline Megiddo
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Console "war" outlook
« on: September 28, 2001, 02:48:21 PM »
Let\'s break it down to the hard, cold, and cruel facts of this generation of consoles:

The winner is the one who sells the most units. Bottomline. End of arguement. Sony has a huge lead, and with their upcoming lineup, brand, they will hold this lead. That\'s right, Sony is going to stay NUMBER 1. The reality is that they have the numbers on their side, they have the future titles on their side, they have Japanese console devs on their side.

Nintendo, who I am partial towards, is going to come in second. They will be in second for most of the same reasons above. Their total number of hardware units available at launch is twice what the Xbox will have, since they simply have more units and all those units will sell out, they get second by default. The lack of a Mario game at launch will hurt but it is also a benefit to them. People know a Mario game is coming, they know a Zelda game is coming, they know Resident Evil will be only on the GC. You know what games are coming for the GC and PS2.

Xbox, I know what is coming out in the beginning, but what comes out later on? I do not feel motivated to buy an xbox or support it in any way shape or form because many of the games are PC games and the hardware is mediocre, like it or not, there are more PC games on the Xbox than the GC and PS2 combined. Also these games will be available for my PC as well. So what is the point? I can see how if you are a PC gamer and this is your first time jumping in the console pool, that the Xbox feels fairly safe raft to float with. Just remember PC devs are PC devs, they don\'t magically turn into console devs overnight. Console devs don\'t magically turn into PC devs either.

Looking at the console races of the past we know that 3 systems CAN NOT co-exist. It\'s not going to happen. The cold reality is that the PS2 will remain King, The GAmeCube will be a very close second. The Xbox will sit along side it\'s brothers, Jaguar, 3DO, and Nuon.
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Offline 182Ways
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Console "war" outlook
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2001, 03:24:25 PM »
And while you\'re at it, can you tell me what next week\'s lottery numbers will be?  

You\'re trying to pass off your predictions as if they\'ve already happened.  Why?  I\'ve seen you do this before...why can\'t you give it a rest?  Nobody here knows what will happen in the upcoming years.  That includes you.  

One more thing:  Why do you say the "winner" is the company who sells the most consoles?  In gaming, I always figured that the game players were the ones who come out on top.

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Re: Console "war" outlook
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2001, 03:31:03 PM »
Originally posted by Megiddo
The winner is the one who sells the most units. Bottomline. End of arguement. Sony has a huge lead, and with their upcoming lineup, brand, they will hold this lead. That\'s right, Sony is going to stay NUMBER 1. The reality is that they have the numbers on their side, they have the future titles on their side, they have Japanese console devs on their side.

Nintendo, who I am partial towards, is going to come in second. They will be in second for most of the same reasons above. Their total number of hardware units available at launch is twice what the Xbox will have, since they simply have more units and all those units will sell out, they get second by default. The lack of a Mario game at launch will hurt but it is also a benefit to them. People know a Mario game is coming, they know a Zelda game is coming, they know Resident Evil will be only on the GC. You know what games are coming for the GC and PS2.

I agree.

Xbox, I know what is coming out in the beginning, but what comes out later on? I do not feel motivated to buy an xbox or support it in any way shape or form because many of the games are PC games and the hardware is mediocre, like it or not, there are more PC games on the Xbox than the GC and PS2 combined. Also these games will be available for my PC as well. So what is the point? I can see how if you are a PC gamer and this is your first time jumping in the console pool, that the Xbox feels fairly safe raft to float with. Just remember PC devs are PC devs, they don\'t magically turn into console devs overnight. Console devs don\'t magically turn into PC devs either.

Just a couple of things I want to touch on...

Looking at all of the Xbox\'s killer apps, the games that people want to purchase at launch... How do they seem like PC games? \'sides HALO, though. Thats definitely a PC-ish game. But looking at DOA3, Project Ego, NFL Fever, Munch\'s Oddysee, Amped, Azurik, Nightcaster, and many more... I cant see those as being games aimed at the PC crowd.

And I\'ve heard this argument about the Xbox hardware being medicore. Theres nothing really innovative about it. But the fact of the matter is that it\'ll be delivering some of the best graphics of the 3 next gen consoles, and the HDD is going to help out in a pretty big way once the network is up next year.

Looking at the console races of the past we know that 3 systems CAN NOT co-exist. It\'s not going to happen. The cold reality is that the PS2 will remain King, The GAmeCube will be a very close second. The Xbox will sit along side it\'s brothers, Jaguar, 3DO, and Nuon.

I think thats the problem... People are comparing the console market with the one we saw a couple of years ago. Thing is, the market is much bigger now than it used to be, and I think its possible for it to sustain 3 videogame consoles. I cant see the Xbox becoming a big success like the PSX, but I also cant see it becoming a failure like the 3DO, and Jaguar...

... And the Nuon isn\'t even a real videogame console. o_o;
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

Offline Nu
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Console "war" outlook
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2001, 03:32:55 PM »
Originally posted by 182Ways
In gaming, I always figured that the game players were the ones who come out on top.

Hes right, ya know. :)
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Console "war" outlook
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2001, 04:09:21 PM »
Hey, we have our very own resident Miss. Cleo...Ain\'t that just grand?


By the way - the NUON is a chipset for DVD players. It isn\'t really a game system. That is just a bonus. Don\'t even try to throw it into that catergory.

Offline Tetrad
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Console "war" outlook
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2001, 04:19:21 PM »
Your topics suck, they are filled with the most bias and uneducated remarks.
Mean People Suck

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Console "war" outlook
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2001, 05:59:39 PM »
Here\'s my Ms. Cleo prediction:

1. GameCube
2. X-Box
3. Sony goes bankrupt.

NOT! lol.

Post 478!!!


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