good sarcasm is ruined by bad smilies.
This is, so I expect people to make sense and be practical, which most have for the past year and a while.
But no DC, X-Box, GC, or otherwise fans were wetting themselves over all the PS2 breakdowns, because the media doesnt feel the need to report breakdowns when it isn\'t MS. This board doesn\'t have any DC or GC fanboys, only fans, and it only has a couple of X-Box fanboys, but none would post on a PS2 breakdown thread about how \'typical\' it was for a Sony system to break, unless that was the point of the thread, al la Gohan\'s RandR rant.
I hope, and pray (cause I havent seen him around) that SonyFan was at least laughing at the joke, because he seems to respond well to sarcasm.
For instance, anyone ever play PSO online? wait in the city before you go down to Ragol, if you sit outside the shops for a while, a nerdy looking scientist will bumb into you. If anyone can guess what we named him, my gameboy is on the house.
Eric Jacob