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Author Topic: My Devil May Cry review.  (Read 4036 times)

Offline Eiksirf
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2001, 03:57:03 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
Ogodly and T-Shirts wouldn\'t know a good game if it was rabid and knawing on their ankles

Sounds like a scene from Pikmin.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline Watchdog
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2001, 06:41:21 PM »
Ryu, once again I am going to argue with you.

The PC market IS the place of innovation.  It is only on the PC that 2 guys and a garage can produce the best game of the year (Counter Strike, Diablo started off from a tiny company, Wolfenstein, etc).  Consoles require fees and budgets and publishers and permission to code whereas the PC market is open to anyone with a computer.

You speak as if the PC market is a bad place for games, and you couldn\'t be more wrong.  Yeah there are bad rehashes of tired formulas (not everybody and their garage has talent), but for every Quake 3 there is a Dues Ex or Max Payne.  For every CnC rehash there is a, AOE or Kohen.

The PC market now is where some of the most exciting publishers and software originate and I don\'t see that changing any time soon.
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2001, 07:26:21 PM »
Ah..  You misunderstand my definition of software.  When I say software in terms of PC\'s, I am always thinking programs like Internet Explorer, or Outlook, or an OS, or just about any office program... yah, you get the idea.  Games wise, PC\'s are great.  Counter-strike would not exist without Half Life, made by Valve, a fairly big development house and even then, Half-Life may not exist in its current form, which is a modifed version of the Quake 2 engine designed by ID software, makers of Quake and Doom and Wolfenstien.

Way back in the past in the days of Atari and Qbasic, you are absolutely right, 2 guys and a pizza with an original idea would be more than enough to make a game.  The hardware was terribly simplistic and all it required was a PC capable of running some simple code to test the software, but nowadays, it requires a dev kit, high end PC\'s, the latest system developer libraries, etc etc.

It takes at least ten people working around the clock to produce a game that will release in about four years that is even on par with todays standards set by jaded gamers like you and I.  Development houses have grown to where the big survive and the meek are folded into the bigger companies.  It\'s almost impossible for a small time developer to even begin realizing their dream of forming their own development company unless they can fund multiple millions of dollars for advertising alone.

The PC games are fine, I have no gripes with them, it\'s the software that runs on PC\'s I have a problem with and the simple fact is that games on consoles are headed the same way that software on PC\'s are headed: Towards an island of rehashes where innovation is about as innevitable as Giligan being rescued from his island.
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2001, 05:12:17 AM »
Ahh... so good to be back. Just felt like posting something after so many months. Nothing\'s changed I see. Tshirts still being the rabid weirdo posting threads with text that has little or no relation to the thread title (or common sense in general) and Ruy still seeming like the one with the most brain (no offence to anyone).

Tshirts, you can crawl back to whatever hole you showed up from again and wait there until one of these real "mould-breakers" surfaces again. U silly man u.

Think about this : you get a cookie cutter (let\'s say there\'s only one shape to choose from, let\'s take a man-shaped cutter), some cookie dough and a hot oven. You make a cookie. Okay, you made it, you ate it. You loved the heck out of it. But now it seems you\'re bored. You\'ve only one shape to choose from. Making any more would be just carbon-copying the original and you\'d just go through the same DELICIOUS NERVE-TICKLING experience you just had. \'Bah\', you say, for some reason, and go moping around the house for the next year, waiting for a greater, fresher, new sensation. We, the other people, with some common sense, eat cookies through the year and have fun with each other. Wondering why this one narrow-minded individual just keeps on going about some stupid grudge against cookie-makers using the almost same recipe and shape all over again. Notice "almost", for there are many variations available, even though they come from the same mould. Some have chocolate bits, other cookiemen have additional limbs or something else attached.

Back to games. While I tried out the demo of DMC I went through something that I haven\'t experienced in a long, long time. I instantly felt that the game was FUN (mmmm, lookie \'ere, seems like I found a yummy fudge-filled heart in my new \'cookie\') to play, I sincerely and immensely enjoyed hacking the living daylight out of the evil minions and was left hungry for more. That is something I always look for in a cooki.... err, game.

At least I love \'em cookies (I\'m talking about games here, too much going on about just cookies, I\'m confusing even myself... ma\', where\'s the cookie jar?), as long as there are enough of \'em for me to eat. Bring \'em on!

The most ridiculous thing is that Mr. (dirty)Tshirst acts as his opinion is the final, ultimate verdict that everyone should heed to. Not sure if it is so, but at least I get that feeling. And I don\'t like it. Go away you nasty man. Oh yeah, and I\'m in the army now and I\'ve got my very own assault rifle.
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2001, 09:44:40 AM »
Once again, Ogodly, comes in here with is words of wisdom

Indeed, I\'m glad i was of service to you.  On a side note I just find it funny that many of the people in here that hated xbox in the begining, are also the ones planning on buying one now, LOL, I knew this was going to happen.

Offline IronFist
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2001, 10:46:31 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
Indeed, I\'m glad i was of service to you.  On a side note I just find it funny that many of the people in here that hated xbox in the begining, are also the ones planning on buying one now, LOL, I knew this was going to happen.

Of course you did, Ogodly.  Of course you did. :rolleyes:

But you are wrong.  The people who are considering getting an Xbox now are the same people who were considering it a year ago.  There might be a couple newcomers to the Xbox bandwagon, but that is bound to happen with every new console coming out.
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Offline Bozco
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2001, 01:54:56 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Indeed, I\'m glad i was of service to you.  On a side note I just find it funny that many of the people in here that hated xbox in the begining, are also the ones planning on buying one now, LOL, I knew this was going to happen.

Your just so smart, you know everything

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« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2001, 11:17:00 AM »
Your just so smart, you know everything

Yep the truth hurts dosen\'t it

ut you are wrong. The people who are considering getting an Xbox now are the same people who were considering it a year ago.

NO, you are wrong junior, I can remember perfectly comming here 2 years ago, so I remember most of the threads on XBOX and how most people here flamed and hated it, even before MS could be given a chance. Please don\'t even try and tell me that the same people a year ago are still the same people who were always planning on getting XBOX.  


Offline Terry Bogard
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2001, 11:25:35 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Yep the truth hurts dosen\'t it

NO, you are wrong junior, I can remember perfectly comming here 2 years ago, so I remember most of the threads on XBOX and how most people here flamed and hated it, even before MS could be given a chance. Please don\'t even try and tell me that the same people a year ago are still the same people who were always planning on getting XBOX.  


I guess your right, alot of us have changed our minds.

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My review of MG2 (Little late...sorry)
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2001, 11:34:18 AM »
I think that this game is so over-rated.  I mean NOTHING is new about it.  You have a guy going around a shooting things with a gun.  It almost exactly like doom...geez!  Plus, I think that it is important to understand that jelly belly jelly beans are neither made up of jelly or resemble bellies in the least.  Then again jelly beans arent really beans.  They are shaped like beans but they don\'t give you gas like beans.  It would be great though if they made your farts different colors like Hitler did with his "regimen"!  Anyway back to my review... this game sucks.

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Offline IronFist
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2001, 02:34:10 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
NO, you are wrong junior, I can remember perfectly comming here 2 years ago, so I remember most of the threads on XBOX and how most people here flamed and hated it, even before MS could be given a chance. Please don\'t even try and tell me that the same people a year ago are still the same people who were always planning on getting XBOX.  

Er, um, ok senior (what the heck?).  Maybe you forgot that two years ago the only thing known about the Xbox is that is was a console made by Microsoft.  Of course people were looking forward to the super-hyped PS2 more.  The only reason to want an Xbox back then was because of a hatred towards Sony, Sega, and Nintendo.  Now that the Xbox is looking like it has some potential, and it\'s more than just vaporware, of course we will want it more.  Like I said, this is bound to happen with every new console coming out.  But congratulations on "knowing this was going to happen."  You should get an award or something.  MM, you have some awards for him don\'t you? ;)
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Offline Bozco
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2001, 02:37:56 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

Yep the truth hurts dosen\'t it

Way to be a queer

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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2001, 11:14:14 PM »
NO, you are wrong junior, I can remember perfectly comming here 2 years ago, so I remember most of the threads on XBOX and how most people here flamed and hated it, even before MS could be given a chance. Please don\'t even try and tell me that the same people a year ago are still the same people who were always planning on getting XBOX.

Just seems that some people can grow up and stop being fanboys. A lead you would be better off following.
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #58 on: October 31, 2001, 07:41:39 PM »
short repetitve rehash

I found the exact opposite.  it gets repetive n seems like rehash cuz u only do simple slashes n can\'t figure out any new ways to kill guys.


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