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Author Topic: Ohhh..Yes Silent Hill X:Restless Dreams impressions(pics inside)!!!!!  (Read 1214 times)

Offline rastalant
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Ohhh..Yes Silent Hill X:Restless Dreams impressions(pics inside)!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2001, 07:50:35 AM »
Originally posted by seven
better textures? Based on these screens... no. Less fog, yes, but I don\'t see why this would be better (as fog wasn\'t added because of performance issues, but to make it look more spooky). Judging by these screens, both look more or less comparable, with the slight difference that the PS2 has this unique "corn" effect (or what ever Konami calls it) which is completely absent on the X-Box version if I stand correct.

As for gameplay, good news for Xbox owners, but hardly makes up for the late release.

Seing of how Silent Hill 2 for Xbox is shapping up, I wonder what MSGX is and what it will feature? Anyone got some news on this one?

I haven\'t heard nothing on mgsX I\'m wondering is it still coming out?
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Ohhh..Yes Silent Hill X:Restless Dreams impressions(pics inside)!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2001, 10:37:11 AM »
Graphically speaking, I\'d take the PS2 SH2 version any time over this ! :laughing:
The PS2 version has that great grain effect which adds such style
visually. Now I see these screens, and it looks to me like \'just another virtual game world built up from polys\'.
SH2 on PS2 has, like some NGC games have shown, a certain graphical quality/style where you forget the game is made up of polygons. This Xbox version snaps me back into the knowledge that it\'s just polys - that\'s a visual shortcoming compared to the PS2 version imo.
But that\'s not the fault of the Xbox hardware I think. A grain effect adds to the creepy atmosphere bigtime, so I don\'t understand why Konami wants the Xbox version crystal clear. Imo that takes away creepiness.
btw. the character models are fairly good imo, and the designs are great ; they\'re not the stylized game heroes.
I\'m glad I\'m getting the European special edition of SH2.
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