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Author Topic: Halo ONLINE?!!  (Read 604 times)

Offline IronFist
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Halo ONLINE?!!
« on: November 18, 2001, 11:27:18 PM »

From B3D,

I just came across a post over at the IGN forums for a hack (for lack of a better word) on how to play games like Halo or any other game that supports Lan on the Xbox "online". The only draw back is that you have to setup a VPN with the person you want to play (not a big problem if they are a friend, but not good for people you don\'t know...)

IGN link boards.ign.com/message.as...replies=91

First of course, you have to have broadband at home (dsl, cable, ethernet connect).

Then you get a HUB.

anyway, connect your xbox to the Hub, along with your computer, basically your computer and Xbox will be sharing your broadband connect now.

Now the xbox can play against any other xbox that it detects on the same subnet, i.e. I can play against anyone whose connected their xbox to my university ethernet connect.

Now, using a program that makes a VPN (virtual private network) like this one: VPN software

and you use your computer to make a LAN with someone you know (you have to know their ip) and BAM! You have a what looks like a LAN to anything connected to your HUB, with anyone over the net.

Since there are tons of boards and irc channels devoted to Xbox, it shouldn\'t be hard to find ip addresses to make VPNs over the net.

Supposedly xbox developers have been doing this for a while to play with eachother over the net, and when you think about it there\'s not reason it shouldn\'t work, the Virtual network is indistinguishible from a real LAN, your computer can\'t tell the difference, and neither should the xbox.

And for those of you using Windows XP, Windows XP has built in VPN support!!!

Hmmm...This could completely change the less-than-stellar multiplayer FPS game (no bots, spit screen) into a near computer-standards version!
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Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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Halo ONLINE?!!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2001, 07:52:59 AM »
so basically you are playing over WAN? Wide Area Network

cool, very cool, its a shame I dont have broadband or an xbox  :mad: :rpissed:
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