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Author Topic: I changed my mind on XBOX  (Read 1749 times)

Offline cloud345
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2001, 08:23:14 AM »
Well why didnt you use Ver 5.0?
  2. Grandia
  3. MGS
Is it me? Or does PSone own all the other systems?

Offline ooseven
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2001, 08:27:33 AM »
ok this will be my last attempt to give my reaction to Nigs Reborn\'s U Turn

Oh dear God No not another N player

Will that do ?
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2001, 09:50:33 AM »
No can do im an xbox addict now... my ps2 is collecting more and more dust... until FF10 comes there is no turning back
\"A man has injustice done to him more than once, yet he doesn\'t give 2 ****s he comes back once more\" -NIGS-

\"A man once said fear is your destruction. Well I say destruction is your worst nightmare.\" -NIGS-

Offline Living-In-Clip

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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2001, 09:57:01 AM »
Further proof that games can suck ass now\'a\'days and people will find reasons to like \'em..

Halo - OH look, its another FPS shooter. Lets all jump for joy..*gag*

DOA3 - Oh wow, cheap gameplay and breast that bounce..This is such a great game...*groan*

Xbox launch games are crap, hence the reason I never play mine.

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2001, 01:00:51 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Further proof that games can suck ass now\'a\'days and people will find reasons to like \'em..

Halo - OH look, its another FPS shooter. Lets all jump for joy..*gag*

DOA3 - Oh wow, cheap gameplay and breast that bounce..This is such a great game...*groan*

Xbox launch games are crap, hence the reason I never play mine.

What are you going on about, just because YOU didn\'t like the launch games, doesn\'t mean that everyone else won\'t like them
I mean i got my PS2 at launch and the only game that was Ok was SSX, but other people said how they loved the launch games, but i didn\'t go around saying stupid stuff like what you were saying!
How long did you play Halo for?
Because the only things i have really heard about this game is great things, so what is it that makes you feel like that towards the game?(just intrested)

"Further proof that games can suck ass now\'a\'days and people will find reasons to like \'em.."

I thought we was talking about Xbox not PS2!:D  
But what you said is the way i feel about my PS2 at the moment, guess i will just have to get MGS2 hopefully that will sort it out!
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!

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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2001, 01:58:59 PM »
nigs, im sorry but ANY credibility you *might* have once possessed is dead
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2001, 02:21:03 PM »
Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt

What are you going on about, just because YOU didn\'t like the launch games, doesn\'t mean that everyone else won\'t like them
I mean i got my PS2 at launch and the only game that was Ok was SSX, but other people said how they loved the launch games, but i didn\'t go around saying stupid stuff like what you were saying!
How long did you play Halo for?
Because the only things i have really heard about this game is great things, so what is it that makes you feel like that towards the game?(just intrested)

"Further proof that games can suck ass now\'a\'days and people will find reasons to like \'em.."

I thought we was talking about Xbox not PS2!:D  
But what you said is the way i feel about my PS2 at the moment, guess i will just have to get MGS2 hopefully that will sort it out!

The day I bought my PS2, I said the exact same things I have said about the Xbox launch games. They\'re terrible.

There was simply nothing fantastic or marvelous about the Xbox launch, just like there was nothing fantastic or marvelous for the PS2 launch.

Offline Docwiz
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2001, 11:56:59 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

The day I bought my PS2, I said the exact same things I have said about the Xbox launch games. They\'re terrible.

There was simply nothing fantastic or marvelous about the Xbox launch, just like there was nothing fantastic or marvelous for the PS2 launch.

Well did you lose your job or are you a manic depressive?  Did your girlfriend break up with you or something?  Having a bad day with work or parents?  Because honestly it doesn\'t get better than this...

   This launch kills the PS2 launch easily.   I mean Madden 2002 and SSX were the only games on the PS2 at launch that were any good....

I have played DOA3 (awesome and not just the graphics)
Halo (not just the graphics were awesome)
Project Gotham racing (xbox\'s arcade version of GT3 at launch)
Munches Oddesy (played the game demo that came with Halo and it rocked going to buy this, its fun.  I thought it would totally suck, but its fun).
NFL Fever (the best football game on xbox period)

Amped is now out in some stores and will be out everywhere this coming Tuesday.   This is an awesome snowboarding game for xbox.  Its not exactly out at launch but a few days later.

Brute Force comes out Spring 2002 and other games which have not been even anounced yet.  350 games are supposed to  be out in 2002 for xbox.

Did you also see the quality in the Dashboard menu system and you can play DVD\'s and Audio CD\'s and Navigate menus using the DVD remote.  It also comes with a little party graphics thrown in that will move with your music like winamp.

The controllers rock, they have better vibration than that of the PS2 and they fill my hands up so that they arn\'t being cramped.

Offline IronFist
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I changed my mind on XBOX
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2001, 12:55:41 AM »
Not this again Docwiz.  I thought we already had this Xbox vs PS2 launch game debate...
Originally posted by Docwiz
This launch kills the PS2 launch easily.   I mean Madden 2002 and SSX were the only games on the PS2 at launch that were any good....

You forgot TTT, DOA2:HC, and Timesplitters.
I have played DOA3 (awesome and not just the graphics)

You leave DOA2:HC out of the "only good PS2 launch games," yet you include DOA3 as a great game for the Xbox launch?  Um, where\'s that "WTF" emoticon when I need it?

EDIT: I think this will do:

Halo (not just the graphics were awesome)

It has a great single player and co-op mode, but the deathmatch is lacking.  What, no bots?!  Timesplitters has better multiplayer than this game does IMO.  But yes, the single player and co-op are very good.
Project Gotham racing (xbox\'s arcade version of GT3 at launch)

RRV with better graphics.  Just what you\'d expect from a game coming out a year and a half later.
Munches Oddesy (played the game demo that came with Halo and it rocked going to buy this, its fun.  I thought it would totally suck, but its fun).

If you are including this game as a great Xbox launch game, then you might as well include The Summoner as a great PS2 launch games. :rolleyes:  Munch has got nothing but sub-par (5-7 range) reviews from almost everyone.
NFL Fever (the best football game on xbox period)

And PS2 launch got Madden 2001.

Amped is now out in some stores and will be out everywhere this coming Tuesday.   This is an awesome snowboarding game for xbox.  Its not exactly out at launch but a few days later.

It doesn\'t compare to SSX IMO.  The realistic snowboarding days are over.  Almost everyone prefers SSX style now.

So how exactly does the Xbox "easily kill the PS2 launch?"  How is it so much better?  You are bashing the PS2 launch and praising the Xbox launch even though they are almost identicle.  I just don\'t get it.

Brute Force comes out Spring 2002 and other games which have not been even anounced yet.

Is anyone else reminded of The Bouncer when they see Brute Force?  We will see if it lives up to the hype, and if it\'s more than just PCish graphics.  BTW, any movies?  All I\'ve seen are pics that were not that impressive, but I\'m assuming there are movies because of how many Xbox arguments this game gets brought up in.
350 games are supposed to  be out in 2002 for xbox.

Riiiiight. :rolleyes:  And MGS3 is coming to the PS2 next summer.
Did you also see the quality in the Dashboard menu system and you can play DVD\'s and Audio CD\'s and Navigate menus using the DVD remote.  It also comes with a little party graphics thrown in that will move with your music like winamp.

Without a doubt, the Xbox menus kick butt.  No argument here.
The controllers rock, they have better vibration than that of the PS2 and they fill my hands up so that they arn\'t being cramped.

The few, the proud, the Xbox controller lovers.  You are really in the minority by liking the Xbox controller.  It beats the Dreamcast and N64 controller, but thats it IMO.
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