Originally posted by Nigs Reborn
Sure it sold more.. there was also mroe availible but what nintendo doesn\'t realize is that Xbox\'s sold more quickly and thanks to our friendly fag bill gates we will be getting alot more than what GayCube will be able to produce... Micrsoft wasn\'t trying to hit hard in november... December will be fun.. I want to see how many people actually buy it then LOL... I feel bad for the idiots that wasted their money now... I returned my gamecube.. LOL... sure it sold about 30 thousand more... but then again it had more.. LOL wait till december... then watch Nintendo pull a sega. Only 2 consoles will survive.... PS2 and XBOX no room for nintendo.
You truly are an idiot. You\'ve already done this with the Xbox, as MM pointed out..
Do we care you returned your GC? No, thanks for sharing though.
Is it a "GayCube"? No.
Nintendo pull a Sega? Hardly. Sega left the business due to a couple bad business desicions that kept effecting them. Nintendo hasn\'t made any so far that really effect them, not to mention they have franchises (Mario will always sell) and the GB,GBC and GBA money to always fall back on. Not to even mention, the fact that Nintendo is aimed towards the more family orientated gaming, which is and always will be a viable market for Nintendo to target, espically when neither Sony nor MS is going after that market.
Saying there is "no room for Nintendo" is like saying there is no room for Disney in the movie industry..