Originally posted by pstwo
"Microsoft has sent us a token of their appreciation for all the dedication Team Xbox has shown over the months and months that we have been working our buns off for you. Day in and day out we have been making sure to keep you informed and entertained and it\'s very rewarding to know that our work is appreciated and respected."
There is an engravement that reads:
Team Xbox.com
Xbox Launch Partner | November 15, 2001
They also received a message attached that reads:
"Your ongoing efforts to build community and excitement around Xbox have been instrumental to the successful launch on November 15. We sincerely appreciate everything you do for the Xbox platform. Thank you for helping to make Xbox a success!"
- The Xbox Team
like i said Run by Idiots... for Idiots and Supported by Idiots !
The REAL EMAIL from Microsoft !
"Your ongoing efforts to create a FANBOY ZONE and BIAS around Xbox have been instrumental to the negative effect on the launch on November 15. We sincerely regret everything you do for the Xbox platform. Thank you for helping to make Xbox seam to be suppoerted by people how wouldn\'t be out of place from the Vilage of the DAMMED ! !
May the honesit and
NORMAL X box owners Curse your very exisitence!
and we DO hope that in a few weeks time that the VALUABLE webspace your so called forum takes up, becomces home to something USEFUL like more webspace for E bay or something