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Author Topic: Software Sales for all of 2001  (Read 685 times)

Offline Eiksirf
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Software Sales for all of 2001
« on: January 13, 2002, 12:42:28 PM »
Scroll down a bit at http://www.geocities.com/chtang.geo/gaming.htm to see the top twenty titles for sales in Japan last year.

The interesting thing to note is that despite the late entry of the GCN and the N64 being on its last legs, Nintendo was still the number one publisher of 2001.

Thanks to Pokemon, Gameboy, and Super Smash Bros Nintendo shows up most often on the list, and after some rough math, Nintendo sold more pieces of software than any other publisher, too.

For those too lazy to look, Square\'s Final Fantasy X was number one with a lead of almost one million copies on GT3.

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Offline Bozco
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Software Sales for all of 2001
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2002, 02:44:42 PM »
That was some nice wording, Nintendo as a publisher had the most appearences, but games from its systems didn\'t show up as much as PS2 and PSONE, that should change though as NGC will pick up speed during 2002, and I\'m suprised how well MGS2 sold considering how late it came out in Japan


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