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Author Topic: A new level of gaming.  (Read 2190 times)

Offline NPYYZ
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A new level of gaming.
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2002, 03:38:27 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
All I can advise NYYPZ is to stop posting for like 6 months and hopefully most people won\'t remember your xbox fanboy streak, OR read over your post and relise you\'ve been acting like a fanboy

Thanks for the advice. However I won\'t lose any sleep over what people on a message board ,who I don\'t even know ,think about me, or what I post.

What exactly is this "fanboy" crap you are all talking about? I\'m not sure of the different ages of people on this board, but whenever I read the word Fanboy it brings mindless schoolage crap like NSYNC, and The BACKDOORBOYS to mind. I know a lot of the younger people call what these talentless humans spew forth music, but us older folks will stick with bands like NEVERMORE and such.
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« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2002, 03:47:44 PM »
I\'m not sure but I think you have a case of a.d.d., you somehow stopped thinking and went from the word "fanboy" to talking about what you think is a good band.  Ok, let me explain.  A fanboy is someone who is close minded in there console opinion and thinks one console is god and all others are junk.  No matter what anybody says.  You are the close minded part mostly, you act like your opinion is the "right" opinion and you think your above everybody else and somehow special.  Oh, and going around spewing your opinions and not caring what people think of you won\'t get you very far.

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A new level of gaming.
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2002, 04:07:31 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
I\'m not sure but I think you have a case of a.d.d., you somehow stopped thinking and went from the word "fanboy" to talking about what you think is a good band.  Ok, let me explain.  A fanboy is someone who is close minded in there console opinion and thinks one console is god and all others are junk.  No matter what anybody says.  You are the close minded part mostly, you act like your opinion is the "right" opinion and you think your above everybody else and somehow special.  Oh, and going around spewing your opinions and not caring what people think of you won\'t get you very far.

Ok, I did not stop thinking I explained to you what comes to mind (what I think of) when I see the word fanboy.

NEVER did I say the PS2 or any other console was junk. The worst I have said is that I feel the XBOX is better then the PS2. That is just an expression of one\'s opinion.

NEVER did I say my opinion is the right one. That in itself is a contradiction of terms. An opinion can be neither right or wrong it is an OPINION.  How is go----opinions are like assholes, everyone\'s got one and they all stink.

I don\'t think I am above everyone else, however I am special. :)

About going around spewing my opinions about what people think  and whether or not it "gets me very far", again I could care less. I have friends in the real world. I don\'t have to fuel my ego by making makebelieve ones on the internet.
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« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2002, 04:34:03 PM »
If you don\'t care what anybody thinks, and your not trying to convert anybody to xbox why are you here in the first place???

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« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2002, 01:28:43 PM »
"So in the console debate forum we are only supposed to discuss the PS2? I think not" NPYYZ

Where in any of my posts did you get that impression? Look around you little man. This (console debate) forum is full of people who love the Xbox. Why don\'t I go around giving them a hard time? Why don\'t I give them as hard a time as I give you? Oh.. that\'s right.. it\'s because they\'re discussing other consoles and joining in off topic posts as well, not just hyping the Xbox. Watchdog, pstwo, raistlin, Ginko, to name a few, are staunch Xbox supporters.. and more power to them. If you can\'t see why I hound you so much, and not them, then I suggest you open your eyes. Or at least READ in totallity the post you pulled that quip from.

"And that seems to be a problem only for you." - NPYYZ

Closed threads, accusations of fanboyism, threads that are two - 3 pages long full of personal attacks, and even having fellow Xbox supporters tearing you down. Seems like I\'m not the only one who has a problem with you. I just happen to be the most vocal about it. This is fun for me, and I really must say you have been amusing - if not less of a challange than what I\'d hoped for. It\'s not just you either, I used to hound Jumpman and Watchdog also. Over time, they became respectable and constructive members of this forum. Not to say that I was responsible in the least for them becoming that way, but just that since they changed I haven\'t felt the need to be belligerant in any way towards them.. and can debate with them in the way this forum was ment for.

"I am sitting here reading your post and I have to laugh. You say small minds are easily boggled. Well I say it is a very small mind that can not respond to another person without the high school name-calling and attacks." - NPYYZ

Actually I\'d say that was a collage level attack. All I did was state a fact which is commonly true. Small minds ARE boggled easily. You did the damage to yourself by picking up on the presupposition that I was refering to you, confirmed it by not denying it, and insisted on insulting me back.. calling my non-existant attack a "high-school effort". Tsk Tsk.

"Instead of asking why PS2 fans get so upset when someone likes a different system, I\'ll ask why you get so upset? And you do care, if you didn\'t you wouldn\'t be putting so much energy into attempting to shut me down." - NPYYZ

I\'m not upset that you like the Xbox. Never said I was. I also don\'t put any energy into shutting other Xbox fans down. Why? Because it\'s not the Xbox that I have a problem with.. it\'s YOU. Stop trying to make the Xbox your personal scape goat, and maybe you\'ll see what ~not just me~ but a lot of these forum members are trying to tell you. The effort I put into shutting you down is done out of sheer enjoyment, and please don\'t get me wrong. I\'ve shut down several PS2, DC, and NGC fanboys in the past as well. This is the most fun I\'ve had on these forums in a long time.

"You may not have said it was wrong for me to like the XBOX, but you sure don\'t want me talking about it and sharing my thoughts about it on this message board. My post which you responded to, (A New Level of Gaming), was not an attack on any other system. It was merely a post expressing my excitement, and also sharing information that other XBOX owners may find interesting." - NPYYZ

I don\'t particularly care for repeating myself, so please try to understand the very simple concept I\'m offering to you. This is the last time. I have absolutely NO problems with you sharing you\'re Xbox gaming experiences. I DO have a problem with you spouting nothing BUT Xbox propoganda. Until you can learn to be a useful and constructive member of these forums, you will be treated with the same respect as a walking billboard. Which is to say... none.

"Don\'t be so offended because someone is on a PS2 message board talking about the XBOX. Again I will Ask, isn\'t that what this forum is for?" - NPYYZ

No, this forum is for discussing all the different consoles in this generation.. not just the Xbox. It\'s not just in what you post.. it\'s how you post.. and what you respond to, that\'s getting people upset. You can\'t see it for some reason and fall back on the tired cliche of "Oh, I like Xbox and this is a PS2 forum.. so that\'s why they don\'t like me here", when that\'s not even the case at all.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
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A new level of gaming.
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2002, 01:48:49 PM »
Bravo Bravo!! Well said Sonyfan I enjoyed every minute I spent reading that post.

I don\'t think I am above everyone else, however I am special. :)

I don\'t think you\'ll get any argument from any of us on this subject ;)
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