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Author Topic: UK Xbox sales figures  (Read 1096 times)

Offline ooseven
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UK Xbox sales figures
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2002, 01:12:33 PM »
Originally posted by pstwo

:laughing: :laughing:  Thanks Ethan_Hunt. I was just about give up aready.

Damn ..... he was going to give up ;) :p
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Ethan_Hunt
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UK Xbox sales figures
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2002, 01:29:25 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven

thanks mate i ll give that a try.

i already have two of them and i am thinking of a thrid as space is rstarting to run out !

anyway back to the X box

i know i bash it on a daily basis but its just because of the PRICE (me no likeie the idea of parting with 51% more than the americans did )

so what i am hopping for is for Sony and Nintendo to "force" MS hand into dropping the price in Europe

hey Ethan you said you got a US X box version
is there a Region lock like the other consoels or will any X box let you play any import ?

Hey ooseven i can understand about the price of the console,i mean for some people it could be half a months wages after tax, and that is without buying a game!!
But people seem to forget that the PS2 was the same price, but a big deal wasn\'t really made of it, not like the Xbox, but anyway back to the Xbox.
Also dude the Xbox does have a region lock, but i think it is only in the software, not the hardware, i was hoping that developers wouldn\'t add it to the game, but it looks like they have.
So i am just wait for a boot disk or something, even though if it is in software it could be harder to crack then if it was in hardware,or that is what i have heard.
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!


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