I\'m not going to get into a debate about which online games will be better (Unreal, Brute Force, GTA4, Timesplitters 2, Halo Online, Mechwarrior, Crimson Skies, etc), but speaking strictly about the hardware, the commitment, the plan and the attitude, MS is way ahead of Sony.
Yes, Chrono, you have nothing to say because like I said you lack the necessary intelligence to do so.
And actually, Chrono, both sentences are correct, but having read your posts the last couple of weeks I seriously doubt you have any higher-level English training.
btw, the grammar in your sentence was wrong..
Incorrect tense.
You have missing commas, and incorrectly used “and.”
Missing commas? Lol, traditionally called comma splices.
The correct sentence would be,
This is an improper use of the comma, and the wrong tense (not to mention terrible prose).
I\'m in the final weeks of college English.. Don’t mess with me in grammar
I don\'t know what this is, but it\'s not English. Improper use of the ellipsis, awkward sentence structure and that last clause is guttural and idiomatic.
See how silly you sound?
While this is correct it makes me laugh given the above.
Furthermore, you don\'t know the difference between your or you\'re, lay and lie or precede or proceed. If you are taking English at college (I can\'t believe this), I have serious reservations about the education system in the state of Florida.
Hey, I know all about churning out a message in a forum and having a general disregard for grammar and style, but your posts are intelligible, confusing and show no signs of higher thought in terms of sentence structure, organization, vocabulary or style (I could have ended this sentence after \'thought\' and it would still be true). And I would think that someone giving a grammar lesson on a public forum would be very careful to ensure that his prose is, at the very least, somewhat cognizant of the basic tenants of his chosen discipline.
Before you lie, Chrono, perhaps you should consider if you can actually convince anyone of it.