Sales wise, PS2 is obviously cleaning up right now, and it should be. At this point, it\'s clear that it is the best system out there.
I do, however, think that both Gamecube and X-box have a ton of potential. X-Box has so much power, and if microsoft wants to, they can put a ton of money behind it. Gamecube, however, is the one that interests me. They have what seems to me to be a great lineup of future games. That\'s in part because Nintendo has so many established game series to work from. They have Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Star Fox, etc. All of those games interest me a lot. Then, they have games like PSO from sega coming, which interest me as well. The main thing though that makes me think that Nintendo could make this more of an even war sometime down the line is that they finally brought Squaresoft back on board.
This may just be because I have always been a big Nintendo fan, but that\'s just what I think.