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Author Topic: The truth about the industry....  (Read 1135 times)

Offline Tshirts
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The truth about the industry....
« on: April 11, 2002, 02:28:26 PM »

Before, I said the Gamecube will be 3rd – I must regress…..In a time like this, how can a system rely on hardcore enthusiasts and first party titles alone? – it is suicide!  I have already defined the Gamecube as the modern Dreamcast:

The new Mario can be equated to Sonic….
Resident Evil is on the same terms as Code Veronica…
Soul Caliber = Soul Caliber 2
EA sports = Sega Sports

…..so on and so forth…

In the past, the DC barely made it past 2 years: it easily died, even though it was the lone competitor…….the same can be said of the GC: It’s first party titles, advertisements, and hardcore appeal are all a direct correlation – and that’s with two other competitors: Xbox and Ps2.  It is going to take the act of GOD to make it past 2 years…….

Videogame violence

Such accusations – nothing is more pathetic than hearing the claims of such parents and such politicians; first accusation: violence is too real.……well, read the damn ratings!  M means MATURE – now is that too hard to understand? – would you go out and buy porn for your child?  Now apply the same morale with videogames - problem solved!

Second accusation: the kids are actually partaking in the violence.  Do they mean pushing a red button is the same as pulling a trigger on a gun?  The parents are MAD! – such hypocrisy, especially when they allow the news and television to run rampant with their violence.  They have no claim, they recognize that. – they refuse to take responsibility – when one’s child becomes a mass murder, it is one’s fault. – not Mario’s.

Videogame Reviews

Only we, all gamers, possess the prerequisite to understand something that no professional reviewer can – our own personal taste……in an industry bombarded with so many choices – such as action, driving, RPG, adventure, strategy, first person, etc. – from that, how can you trust another’s opinions.  How can you allow yourself to be control by a source: one that dictates what you should play and buy?  

The Sony Fanboy

I will make war on the Sony fanboy:  I have found traces of an overwhelming amount of idiocricy in their blood.  Whoever is a Sony fanboy already has a wrong and bias view towards all things from the very first.  The pathos that develops out of all this is called mainstream gaming: since the PSX ushered into “shallow” gaming.  You can usually find them closing their eyes with respect to everything else for good and denouncing all other systems; they are in line with a disease of such degree as incurable falsity. – how can a Sony fanboy know anything about gaming?  Out of this erroneous perspective on all things they make attempts to proclaim, denounce – worse yet – dictate the direction of gaming – think 2D.  They demand that no other kind of perspective should be accorded any value once they have sold their souls to the name “Sony”.  They are the most biased and widespread, peculiarly subterranean form of falsity that exist.  What a Sony fanboy feels to be true MUST be false: this provides almost a criterion of truth.  The stupidity, fundamentally the shallow assumptions, the ranting fanboys, lies in their inability to see anything past a television commercial.  Certain things they do not ask questions:  their first assertion is the best is the most popular.  – I simply cannot see how they can accurately predict any sort of outcome when their biasness is a deception.  They are far too one sided: neither caring about the opposition – Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox - nor asking more questions.  There is absolutely no way you can trust a “ Sony fanboy’s” opinion: they take the sides of everything idiotic; they proclaim the victor even before anything starts.  Because idiocricy  belongs to the essence of their opinions; the typical fanboy condition, deception, has to be a form of sickness; every straightforward opinion from them has to be repudiated by all as a JOKE!

Offline 182Ways
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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2002, 02:44:06 PM »
Your little "Sony Fanboy" rant made me laugh.

Everything else you wrote, well.... I couldn\'t care less about.

And Nu, you might want to get them checked out.

Offline Heretic
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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2002, 02:51:31 PM »
DC died because Sega was short on cash. Did you hear? DC outsold xbox in Japan last week.

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How \'bout you?

Offline Tshirts
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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2002, 02:57:32 PM »
I don\'t care for the Xbox....

Your point is?

Offline Heretic
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« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2002, 03:10:36 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts

Your point is?

I was going to ask you the same thing. Then I realized...

it doesn\'t matter, its just another jaded gamer post from sad ol Tshirts. What was the last great game you played?

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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2002, 03:21:14 PM »

Since you don\'t care for xbox, a point you might consider is DC died because Sega was terrible at the console business, pulled some major boners and the death of DC had nothing to do with ignorant idiot PS2 Sony fanboys. Also, Nintendo\'s future is bright by comparison. In other words, you were completely wrong on several key areas from the begining. No need to go much further into the rest

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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2002, 03:22:44 PM »

* Nu humps Tshirts.

Oh, and the pre PS2 hype kinda had something to do with it. Not the fanboys, though. Thats just bleh.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2002, 03:26:36 PM by Nu »
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2002, 04:50:32 PM »
Quality entertainment from our beloved TSh1ts. :D
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2002, 04:58:03 PM »
tshirt, when you post crap like this
at LEAST, post crap you wrote yerself

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Offline Blade
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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2002, 06:00:36 PM »
What they said, and being one of up-and-coming resident Nintendo fans here.. I can tell you that your "jaded" thoughts on Nintendo are very inaccurate. It sounds like you\'re an Xbox/PS2 fan reading Xbox/PS2 forums for info on GCN, not playing the games or reading the facts yourself.

Do some research before you post stuff like this, please. :)
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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2002, 06:43:09 PM »
Blade if you don\'t stop, I\'m not going to have anything to post about. :)

But come on, Tshirts.  I didn\'t read everything, because you really lost me with that GC/DC thing.

Why didn\'t you say:

Mario = Jak and Daxter
Eternal Darkness = MGS2
EA Sports = EA Sports

and surmise that NGC should sell as much as PS2?  Because that would be stupid, that\'s why.  And so was the comparison you made.

I\'ll admit that I tried to get back into it with your rant on game reviewers, but that was way off based.  If you didn\'t have people sharing their opinions first, you\'d be off playing (and paying for) every E.T. and every Clayfighters that rolled off the assembly line.  "But in that case I\'d just get info from my friends."  Why bother when someone could tell you even sooner and more importantly, save you the cash.  (Or give you an idea what you want to spend it on, instead.)

Christ, even if you rent games to try them first, you\'re going to go through a whole lot of Superman 64s and Rise of the Robots before you finally find one you\'d like to buy.  It\'s what they call a waste of time.

You should be glad people are playing Shaq Fu so you don\'t have to.

My two cents, anyway.

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The truth about the industry....and my jaded thoughts
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2002, 07:30:09 PM »
This is ludicrous nonsense.  For anyone to claim that the PS2 is the only platform with its share of blinded fanboys is absolutely laughable.  I\'m closing this before the "real sony fanboys" read this.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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