"Someone Shoot me..please" yeah a phrase that mm used to describe his addiction to pikmin.
that and i hope ASHFORD don\'t see this
but whats the game
YOU just cant put down no matter who had you have tried.
For me it Super Monkey Ball
i think i may need help, as before this game i didn\'t realise how much fun throwing a captive monkey in a huge beachball was.
Clyde had better hope they don\'t include Chimps in the second one,or i might get a taste for captive primates in giant balls tooanyway it has to be one of the most additive games i have ever played, plus the mini and party games are a scream in multiplayer.
my choice (Current)
Super monkey Ball (nintendo Gamecube)
Previous highly addicive games
GTA3 (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)
Timesplitters (PS2)