Well NYPPZ... Looks like we all know who wears the pants in your family now eh?
RE:1 Remake definately looks good, but I\'m not really too interested in remakes. I\'d love to see what RE: 0 and RE:4 look like tho. Those should be killer titles.
Hmm.. well as far as other titles I\'m not too sure. The GameCube has been in a bit of a game slump lately. They\'ve got a bunch of great sounding games comming out in the future so it\'s not a wasted purchase or anything. Eternal Darkness, Perfect Dark, and Metroid Prime are the ones I\'m looking forward to the most. (Even if Metroid Prime isn\'t going to be a true metroid title in the traditional sence)
Right now, I\'d say pick up Rouge Squadron 2, SSB:M, WaveRacer, Pikmin, Super Monkey Ball, and Sonic Adventure 2 if you don\'t already have it for the Dreamcast. Most of the others are just ports found on the PS2 or Xbox. PSO should be comming out before too long.. and it\'ll include a modem in the box.. so there\'s something you might wanna look into. I wouldn\'t suggest getting for your daughter tho.. some of those people talk pretty trashy and thanks to the smilie face editor you see an amazing amount of pornography which Sega can\'t censor out.