I cannot accept a biased opinion, I\'m sorry. I think black people are smarter. I think Canadians are the best hockey players. I think Brazilians are evil. These too are a biased opinions, and they have no merit.
But no one posted their biased opinion. Fast merely pointed out what I stated up further up again - he
even went through the effort to put CG on the same level as Vector-C (on PS2) and criticize them both for the obvious reasons.
And yes, developers are humans, but if you\'re trying to say that using CG (or any other tool) will result in better results as hand-coded/hardworked assembly code - then you\'re doing nothing more than speculating about the talent of a developer and not giving much credit to those out there who do this for a living.
The article that mm posted is a interesting read. It also reflects quite nicely what my initial thoughts of CG (or any other tool) were.
Anyway, I think there\'s no point to continue this debate (if it ever turned into one). It\'s pretty obvious where it stands and it\'s only good for developers in the end. If they use it, good - if not, well good for them too. Just bring on the results!