So what the hell are you doing here tellin us about it.. go play it!!
We can a few weeks for you to get back.
Heh, shouldn\'t take that long. I thought it was easy once you get the hang of walkin around that huge ass city and know where most stuff is. Oh, and remember that in battle.. Y button is your friend.
You\'re likely to do alot more damage with some good evasion and a Iron Fist/Pitblow or a good simple combo from behind, than you will if you jus try to lay the Kung-Fu smacketh down on em.
(Easter Egg Spoiler)
An here\'s a hint.. go talk to Izumi at the Tomato Convienence Store and Eilenne at Pidgeon Park. (2nd Disk). Then, head to Come Over Guest House. Stand with your back to the door and look Right.. you\'ll see an alley. Go down that alley till you find a store with a guy stacking boxes in a glass encloser and a white tile doorway beside him. (If you haven\'t met the girls, it\'ll be boarded up.) Go in tha doorway, and you\'ll find some medals and toys. Take the medals to the Pine View Arcade\'s 3rd Floor. You\'ll have two fights against mystery opponents.. and if you win you can enter the duck races.
Oh.. and at the point where yer catching leaves.. try to catch 2 at a time. Do that 3 times (Dosen\'t have to be in a row) and you\'ll see a feather fall. Catch the feather and you\'ll get your own duck to enter in the race.