rasalant, interesting point, and I probably do agree with you, but it just kind of seemed interesting to me how Square went out and did something completely different than what they usually do (make "normal" RPGs), and now they get flamed for it. True, it wasn\'t exactly original in a sense, but it was something new for them, and in a sense new for the Japanese community (online RPGs are not very popular in Japan)
Now about FFXI, not a lot of people liked it, and truthfully, I didnt think that greatly of it when I first saw it, but I bought it, I\'ve played it, and I like it. But that\'s just my opinion, and truthfully, I haven\'t really read one JAPANESE magazine article that said anything really negative about the game itself. The negativity that I\'ve collected came from the connection/server issues which have been ironed out, and the HDD\'s limited supply, which hopefully have been ironed out at the same time.
Right now, I\'m just waiting for next March to come around, and see how this FFX-2 stuff is, and then I\'ll be waiting for FFXII. enuf said.