Pokemon. Definitely Pokemon. Even with Hawkey\'s little rule applied(it wouldn\'t matter if it didn\'t apply). The concept is just so ****ing awesome. Going around catching animals, training them to your liking, make them loyal to you only, and challenge other trainers then brag after you win. You can capture a small creature in a ball, raise him to because stronger, then you can use him to capture even stronger Pokemon, and this process could continue. I\'m a downright brilliant player in the game and every game that requires serious thought. Spectacular.
Plus, have you\'ve ever seen the show? They\'re all idiots! I could be the freakin god in that world.
You would be visiting the world as YOU yourself, you would only possess the skills and attributes you do in real life.
Meh. If you\'re going into games from RPGs, then you could always beat on small animals for hours to get your experience points higher.
I was just thinking of actually being in RE...that wouldn\'t be too hard actually. The zombies would probably never touch you know that you don\'t have to deal with the HORRIBLE controls of the games.
They seriously wouldn\'t be able to come to close to you. I\'m much faster than the players in the game too. Plus, I could just setup a little trap for thoses dogs at the first door you enter and shoot/stab Wesker in the head right away.