As the titles states, this is going to contain spoilers. If you haven\'t finished the game, I suggest you don\'t read on. There are also spoilers for the new addition of Piastol and the wanted battles, so if you haven\'t finished the GC version and most of the discoveries then don\'t read this.
So, I\'m guessing a few of you finished Skies back on DC over 2 years ago...then like me, some of you have played it again on GC. Then there are the new comers to the game.
It\'s been out a month now, so alot of you should be finished up or close to. After having experience the wonderfully orginal game, what do you think? What could they do with the sequel?
They obviously need to keep the same world as there is just so much they could change in it now. After the first game...
Valua is destroyed and under new reign of Enrique and Moegi.
Marco is now an Admiral.
Sky rifts are gone, meaning there is more opportunity for trade among the different ports. I expect Esparanza to be flourishing along with the other ports.
The Dark Rift is still present. And could possibly contain the means of the sequel. Remember how you found the Black Moon Stone in the Dark Rift? When you read the discovery it stated that the Black Moon Stone holds to great a power...What if someone where to obtain that moon stone? Would the Dark Rift disappear? Who do you think would do it?
Crescent Island is expanding as it stated. Kirala the builder from Yofatuma stayed on Crescent Island and it stated she added a harbor. I\'d love to see the additions
Prince Daigo is now ruler of Yofatuma, with Tao and Mao as generals of their army. There will be an obvious alliance between Yofatuma and Valua seeing as how Moegi and Daigo are brother and sister. This could also mean that Yofatuma will pass on the technology to go above and below the clouds to the rest of the world...lots of room for new islands, ports, etc.
Baltor the Pirate is still after Vyse.
Fina is part of your crew.
Vigoro is now a Pirate (says so on the Wanted List). A powerful ally for the sequel?
Piastol has made peace with herself and Maria. I would absolutely love to see Piastol become a big part of the sequel. Though it seems unlikely. Maria becoming part of your crew after helping with Picollo doesn\'t seem so unlikely though.
Lord Bane is still alive as he got away after the fight with Vyse.
Nobody knows what Lawrence is doing...
Hans and Urala are married. Hans works for Valua along with Brabham and Ismael.
Pinta is still in search of treasures and hopes to one day visit the moons. I can\'t help but think of the possibilities for this. They still have Fina\'s ship by the end of the game which is capable of visiting the Silver Shrine...why not the moons? That just opens up so much potential.
Domingo is still searching for discoveries.
Drachma Died.
Ryu-Kan returned to his island to work on the ultimate blade.
Ilchymis works in Valua.
Osman is back in Nasr and is raking in the money.
Don has established a route through the Dark Rift.
I\'m forgetting a few people but I think that sums up what they could build off of for the sequel. I just hope they actually do build off of what they established in the first game rather than give us a new world and new characters.
I wouldn\'t mind the new characters so much though, I just expect some cameos at the very least of most of the characters from Legends.
What do you think?
I apologize for nothing, if you\'re upset because I spoiled something for you it\'s your fault. I warned you!