Oh yeah, like if Hillery became President...:eek:
While I don\'t believe Bush is a great President, he is, IMO, better then Clinton. If Hillery (or any other Democrats for that matter) will lead to the fall of the US if anything (giving blind faith to the UN, having the "World Court" dictate what we can and what we can\'t do, have the Kyoto Treaty which will hurt our economy and close off our forest so that we can\'t manage them [because, cutting trees is EVIL. Even though if a forest fire goes through it, destroys it, because the forest are so overcrowded that a fire now WILL destory it instead of the years before fire suppression], but not Africa or China where their enviornment is getting worse then ours, this is what the Democrats want us to do). [edit]Actually, maybe not the Democrats especially when it concerns the Kyoto Treaty, but flaming liberals like those that belong to PETA, Sierra Club, etc. Demcrats actually voted against the Kyoto Treaty.
[edit2]Speaking of our forest, we are now being forced to buy trees from other nations because of the environmentalist. Unlike the US, which has this thing called selective cutting that, saves some trees while harvesting others, other nations will rape and pillage trees and utterly destory their forest since we can\'t touch ours. Saving the environment?
Clinton weakened the military, weakened the CIA and FBI, failed to catch Osama Bin Laden, bombed nations that we had no interest to be in (Kosovo, that "chemical" plant that turned out to be a drug making facility), heck, even bombed Iraq for the same reason that we might go to war in Iraq now, basically, if anyone weakened the US stance, it was Clinton.