I stayed awake on Wednesday night awaiting the reply of USA after the ultimatum. At 3:00 in the morning the news informed about the first attacks with rockets over Bagdad.
The next morning I had classes all the morning, but I knew that there will be problems due to the attack. And and there were. Several collectives at University organized a demonstration outside at 10:30 in the morning. People abandoned the classes and assisted to the act. But not all. For example me. I\'m in favour of the attack so I didn\'t mind to assist this kinda act. Other friends and me stayed at class (about 15) and began to take it when a big group of students (about 1000) broken into shouting, with banners, alarms, and all that stuff. We were forced to stop the class and abandon it. I didn\'t want problems because they seemed very aggresive.
The funny and shameful part of this is that they were shouting JOIN US! CLAIM FOR YOUR OWN RIGHTS! STOP WAR! Ironically, our right were to decide if we assisted to classes or not, and they prevent us to do so.
Shameful day indeed. (There was police intervention)