I\'m just wondering ...looking at the current crop of games, it seems to me that the "exclusive" titles doesn\'t hold as much weight as it does in the 32-bit era.
Look at some of the new significant exclusive for the
J&D 2
Halo 2
Project Gotham 2
Ninja Gaiden
Resident Evil X( i guess there\'s always new RE game in the pipeline, so i juts put it here )
Of course, there are more than this, I\'m only listing down some of the bigger titles.
most games released by Major publisher like EA, Activision, Midway, UbiSoft etc etc is crossed platform and PC bound too.
The other big titles like MGS and Splinter Cell is also going cross platform, but perhaps debut earliar on one platform and then go to the other platforms later.
It seems to me for SONY, the major exclusive is only coming from
SquareEnix and in-house like Naughty Dog, Polyphony Digital and Insomaniac.
For MS, it\'s Bungie and MS themselves, Tecmo, with SEGA throwing in a helping hand (although SEGA also produce exclusive for PS2 as well but mostly crap titles).
Fon Nintendo, i guess it just Nintendo themselves now that Rare has abandoned ship.
If this trend continues, does that means selecting/buying a console for the next gen machine (PS3, XBOX2, GC2) , exclusive titles will not hold as much weight? ( Personally, I\'m Square person...I\'ll go where Square goes).
What do u think?