It was about 1:00 am and I was backing out of a friends driveway, when my put slipped off the brake, fell onto the gas. Next thing I know my 2002 Celica backs into a fence. I start cussing...put it into drive and pull up. The left side of my bumper has a dent about the size of my fist . Odd thing is, it didn\'t really scratch it up (a few small ones) and it done NO damage to the fence. Now keep in mind, this was an old broken down fence.
Now I am forced to either ..
(1) Live with it.
(2) Take it. Get it estimated and see if the dent can be popped out and maybe re-paint it.
(3) Work a day or two overtime and buy a new bumper. I had been thinking about the Kaminari kit for awhile now. It is goin\' to cost me around $500 bucks for it tho\'.
So - what is everyone\'s general idea? Which one would you do?
It\'s just a damn shame. I had hoped my first wreck would total the car and get me out from underneath the $483 montly car payment.