As anywone who frequesnt the forum between 2:00 am and 4:00 am EST time will ,now, I posted a lot dtoing t while durkn. What they gmight not now, is that I spilled about 1/2 liter of water all over my secondary (burner/old) compter. Now, most of it went in the moniter, which was off. But some when in the keyboard and mouse area.. so my qauestions is this. All was off (it\'s a secondary computer remember), but how long should I wait for it all to dyr out before powering up that computer now... 1 day, 2 day, 5 day? I\'m thinking like tomorow ieveneing.. but what do you thinkg.... shouldnt\' be any damanbge/shoring cause there was NO power to spilled on componoeds when I ddi it.