Originally posted by theomen
If not get his IP number and use an IP tracer. I like Neo.
We are having similar problems with a particularly annoying tw@ as well on a motorsport forum where I co-admin, and I find myself limited to just banning accounts as they aren\'t my forums. The guy who\'s forums they are is unwilling to bring in a similar policy to what is in place here, by banning so called "free" email addresses, as well as refusing to bring in account verification/validation.
All I know about the gobshite in question, is that he is from Australia, and he has his internet account with a company called "chariot" (I\'ve never heard of them myself).
In my mind, he\'s not clever enough to creat a bot, but he is too persistant to just ignore. Any assistance I can find here would be of great appreciation.
where do I find this Neo tracer dealie?
The sooner we can rid ourselves of this tit, the better.