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Author Topic: Monitor Question  (Read 613 times)

Offline KillaX
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Monitor Question
« on: May 08, 2003, 02:16:47 PM »
I got a Samsung SyncMaster171V and my ATI RAdeon 9700 pro will not aqnowledge it at a flat panel.....anyone else have these and have the same problem or should I try re-installing the video card?????

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Monitor Question
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2003, 10:56:43 PM »
try downloading the latest drivers for yer monitor and gfx card.
i assume u have win xp so try this driver for yer monitor. http://www.samsungusa.com/SamsungUSA/DOWNLOAD/20021005/xp_171v.exe
and  this for yer card (this is if yer card was built by ati)

if none of these work, try reinstalling.
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Monitor Question
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 01:40:34 AM »
Just curious but what do you mean the 9700 won\'t acknowledge it as a flat panel?  I go into my display property settings and the max selectable res is 1024x768 since I\'m on a 15" LCD.  Plus it says Viewsonic VA520.  Does it say the brand name or something like Standard VGA Monitor, and will it let you select a res higher than the LCD can go?

I guess my main point is what\'s the problem??  The vid card doesn\'t need to know your monitor is a flat panel or not, unless you\'re doing a digital DVI connection and the 171V doesn\'t have one.

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Monitor Question
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2003, 07:35:35 AM »
if you go into display properties->Settings->Advanced-> Display there are 4 "panes" Monitor, YPbPr, TV, and FPD (mine the FPD picture isnt blackened but I cant select it). the syncmaster is DVI-I (DVI-A (analog)) which means the "dongle" you get with the 9700PRO should have worked for it to read it as a FPD. the monior works but I would like to see if it is better if I can get it to work if I can get the card to read it as a FPD..... I\'ll probly try a re-install sometime today with the "dongle" attached to the DVI connection on the 9700Pro and see if it works......

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