by BeatBoxBetty
Say it isn\'t so! Just after we\'ve settled our stomachs over all those "revealing" Michael Jackson TV specials, now the focus has flipped towards Ms. Lopez. Yep, the rumor mill is churning with talk of a shocking new TV documentary set to reveal that J.Lo isn\'t really Jenny From The Block after all. is claiming that the aptly named "Behind The Behind" is actually an investigation into the singer\'s childhood, which apparently was far from the "tough street" existence she\'s said she had in the Bronx. Claims are being made that Lopez actually came from a posh suburb where she was lucky enough to have a private education. "She\'s another Hollywood star who\'s forgotten where she comes from," says family pal Henry Palayo. "She\'s very artificial -- more artificial than a plastic nose." Ouch! No word yet on where or when "Behind the Behind" will air, but methinks it will be a ratings doozy.