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Author Topic: Networking Question  (Read 423 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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Networking Question
« on: May 17, 2003, 07:04:48 AM »
As most of you know I bought a new PC and now I have a slight problem.  I sold my old PC with only the Mobo, processor, video card and network card to my neighbor.  Two days ago I had problems connecting to the internet and called tech support and they couldn\'t see my PC past cable modem.  Turns out that since I sold my old PC to my neighbor somehow the MAC IP address from my router was hardwired into the network card and after an hour on the phone we finally figured out I had to disable my router from spoofing the MAC IP address and set it to factory default.  

Problem solved... my internet connection reappeared.  I thought everything was ok, but now when I boot up I can surf a few pages then nothing, until I go back into the router setup and go through the setup wizard again.  Am I missing something here?  My wifes computer doesn\'t have this problem as when mine is not responding I can go over to hers and it works fine.  The thing that puzzles me about that is I tried looking at her network settings and it doesn\'t even show she has one!  No settings what so ever, but somehow she connects to the internet.  We are both set up on a Netgear router going through the cable modem.  If anyone has an idea as to what is wrong here please respond as running through the network routers setup everytime I boot up is quite irritating.
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