Uh.... that buy it the day it comes out- when you said you didnt like him, I believe. To lazy to backcheck
How about you backtrack and actually read posts, before you post non-sense, eh? I never once said I didn\'t like him. I have said that most his new stuff is shit - as was
most of Mechinal Animals and all of Holywood or whatever the previous cd was called. I have always said that the earlier work , such as Anti-Christ Superstar and earlier was good material.
So , as I said, why don\'t you actually READ?
And I didn\'t put shit into your mouth. I said it
seems that you have an un-natrual hatred for rap and the way you present yourself it does
seem that you have an un-natrual hatred for rap. Once again, read before you post.
As for you bringing up the gay thread - you was out of line on it. You\'re allowed an opinion, but you was out of line on that. This you\'re not, this is just a discussion and one that really can\'t offend anyone or really matter. So, go ahead and post your opinion, it\'s not like someone is goin\' to edit it or delete it, but on the other hand, if you go gay bashing, make no mistake that it won\'t be tolerated.
On a lighter note: Hey nO-One, when did this happen and any word on their new cd? I\'ve been waiting for a follow up album ever since Mer De Noms was released, what two years ago?