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Author Topic: BF1942 and Desert Combat mod  (Read 761 times)

Offline kirath
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BF1942 and Desert Combat mod
« on: May 24, 2003, 08:34:40 AM »
Anyone on here playin BF1942?  I\'ve been addicted to the game since it came out.  I even became a commander of a rather large clan. http://www.fragnastika.com for awhile.  Now I am just back to playing for fun.

BF1942 alone was awesome, then they started comming out with mods for it.  The best one so far hands down is Desert Combat.  Flying an apache and blowing up some enemy tanks is the balls to the wallz.  

I highly recommend the game alone, but with Desert Combat, its easy to become addicted...

If you\'ve been living under a rock, here is a quick summary.  You can fly, drive, kill anything you see.  64 Multiplayer, very intense, artillery, planes, tanks, jeeps, transports, battleships, crusiers, submarines, amphibous craft, etc,etc!  This game rocks.

Just curious if anyone else plays.  I got some great server you can use if you do.


Desert Combat Mod for BF1942

Hind cockpit, much fun to fly
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BF1942 and Desert Combat mod
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2003, 09:18:01 AM »
i totally agree with everything you said desert combat is a blast, i just love it, tho flying the choppers/jets is way easier by using a controlle .
but unfortunately my only problem (as usual) with playing this game is my ping (which averages 450ms), it just makes playing the game online unbearable.
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