Details for people who can\'t be bothered going to
This link.
- Star Wars® Jedi Knight®: Jedi Academy™ allows players to immerse themselves in the classic Star Wars universe as they take on the role of a student eager to learn the ways of the Force from Master Luke Skywalker. Players will interact with famous classic Star Wars locations and characters while facing the ultimate choice: fight for good and freedom in the light side or follow the path of power and evil to the dark side.
- Players can create their own characters by defining various characteristics, such as species, gender, clothing and physical attributes allowing for a more personal experience before entering the academy to learn the powers - and dangers - of the Force.
- Construct your own lightsaber from handle to blade color. Utilize two if you prefer or try the ultimate dual-bladed lightsaber made famous by Darth Maul.
- Unique tiered level selection allows players to choose their adventure and the missions they take based on the skills they need to become the ultimate Jedi Knight.
- Additional multiplayer modes add depth to the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight legacy. Players can partake in a variety of unique modes.
- New vehicles, weapons and Star Wars environments enhance players Star Wars experience
This game sounds great. Hopefully it\'ll be as good as Outcast was. The idea of choosing light or dark side sounds promising. Hopefully they pull it off. Hopefully they don\'t make it a choice at the end of the game. (jedi knights) Rather, make it one at the start. Also the ability to make your own characters, hilts and blade color sounds good.

For the rest of the images, you\'ll have to click on the link.