No they haven\'t talked about that. But the next promotion is awesome. Gamecube bundled with Gameboy Player for the current price. I don\'t think you get a free game with that, too, but who knows.
The GBP lets you play all those GBA (and older) titles on the brightly lit, big screen. Color better than an SP or Afterburner, but not portable, and stretched graphics tend to come out imperfect, jagged or whatever.
But still awesome. It snaps on the bottom of the Cube.
Wavebirds are neat, but ultimately useless in my opinion. But I\'m close enough to the tv. It\'s nice for multiplayer if you don\'t want to sit by your friends, which is definitely something worth looking at, heh.
I liked Star Fox enough to beat it, but I agree it was repetitive, and only found one puzzle to be really inspired.
Metroid Prime, on the other hand, I couldn\'t get into. I got reasonably far but quickly got tired of the exploration. It\'s tough to keep me captivated when I\'m wandering through the same rooms over and over with fewer and fewer ideas of where to go.
I always like to nominate Eternal Darkness as a game to buy. Silicon Knights put a lot of effort into that one, and I played it three times over for only a minimal upgrade in the ending. But it has a cohesive story that is compelling the first time, and in the end tells you how and why you played the game three times. I liked it, plus it\'s original and darker than your normal Nintendo offering. Next original one looks to be Geist (excluding Twin Snakes)...