I installed a new WD 160GB HD yesterday and used WD\'s diskcopy utility thinking that would work and I could just image the old disk over to the new one. Well it worked or so I thought. It seems some registries became corrupt and I tried repairing windows and even reinstalling it, but it didn\'t help.
So finally I reformatted and installed windows from scratch. Everything was going great until I tried to connect to the internet. It seems windows won\'t recongnize my Lan adapter that is built into the mobo. The only network adapter it sees is the firewire in my Audigy 2 Platinum. WTF... I made sure LAN was enabled in the BIOS, but that didn\'t correct it.
How do you get windows to find this since it is on the mobo. I hate integration.
Sorry if this seems disjointed, I was up until 3AM trying to fix this.