Thanks for the info guys.. i\'ll prolly give the new version a miss then, as i have no need for dvdr playback
and the other functions seem minimal since i allready have a set top dvd player which really only gets used
by the kids. i\'ll pick up a \'normal\' one as soon as my funds allow me, i have been keeping up with some of
the stuff rolling out for the PS2 but i\'m sure not upto speed at the moment. but i have seen stuff like J&D2 and
wouldn\'t mind playing them.. anyways, thanks all and i hope to pull the funds together soon so i can pick up
another PS2.
There were a couple of reasons why i got rid of my last PS2, i was suffering from rsi quite badly and couldnt play
for a while and quite frankly i lost a lot of interest due to my personal life.
also, the other reason was to help pay for a holiday for me, the wife and kids.. so that\'s sorted now.
i can look forward to my holiday, relax then come back and get on with life.
...and play some games :0)...