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Author Topic: Summer Sanitarium  (Read 679 times)

Offline Bozco
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Summer Sanitarium
« on: July 20, 2003, 12:12:09 AM »
Concert was amazing

Metallica, Limp, Linkin Park, Deftones, and Mudvayne were all there.

Mudvayne, can\'t say I\'m the biggest fan of them but they were awesome live.  First band to come out and some people weren\'t even paying attention and they still put on a hell of a show.  Their bassist was amazing to just stand there and watch.  Also sounded just as good as they do on cd if not better.

Deftones, won\'t say much besides that I\'m a fan and they sucked. They didn\'t even seem like they wanted to be there.

Linkin Park, both times that I\'ve seen them they\'ve put on a great show.  They didn\'t dick around, played song after song and got in most all of Meteora, which sounded amazing live, and a lot of their old cd.  Also was the first band to really get the pit going.

Limp, they\'ve basically dropped off the map so I was suprised to see them on this tour in the first place.  Seemed like a very long set that didn\'t bring much music wise somehow.  Looking back I can\'t even remember that many songs that they played.  Fred was still a showman though which made it fun, and Faith was sweet for them to end on.  The new guitarest seemed pretty good but nothing like what Wes was.

And finally Metallica, simple amazing.  Came out with the first three songs being Battery, then Master, then Harvestor of Sorrow.  I started 5 feet from the stage, after those was about 25 feet from the stage, it was crazy.  Only played two songs from St. Anger, Frantic and St. Anger, which left plenty of time for their old greats.  One and Blackened were some of my favorites besides the starting three, and I also loved hearing Nothing Else Matters.  Only songs they left out that I really missed was Unforgiven and Fade to Black.   I left cheated when I didn\'t hear Fade to Black but I\'ll be ok.  They still put on a show that the other bands didn\'t even come close to.

Metallica still reigns supreme

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Summer Sanitarium
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2003, 12:24:08 AM »
Who are they? I\'m a geek and I like Japanese techno.

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Summer Sanitarium
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2003, 09:17:43 AM »
ahh..i wanted to go but i didnt have 75 bucks,lol. plus the closest they got to me was the LA Colluseum and i couldnt go which is stupid. i saw mudvayne live and they kicked ass musically but did the lead singer keep preaching at ur concert? the dude wouldnt shut up, just wanted to hear the damn music. Never got into deftones linkin park after i got sick of their first cd or limp bizkit except their few songs they had here and there. Metallica i really wanted to see cuz iv been a fan forever but i still havnt seen them live.

Just kinda sucks cuz i got floor tickets to slipknot, mudvayne, system of a down, rammstein and some band called No-one er something for 30 bucks and this is 75. Kinda like their making Metallica the highest possible band to see. theyve been one of the most influencial bands but 55-75 bucks? crap. glad it kicked ass and metallica played theyre older stuff.
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Offline Bozco
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Summer Sanitarium
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2003, 10:10:37 AM »
Mudvaynes lead didn\'t talk too much, just thanked us and the other bands, especially Metallica.  He also talked about how he\'s from Illnois and that we kicked the Illini\'s ass and that we were national champs.  And 80 bucks was steep but it was a birthday gift so it worked out.

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Summer Sanitarium
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2003, 11:00:27 AM »
I guess Linkin parks stage setup was awesome from what I heard on 100.7 WMMS (Cleveland).

there are 2 big music things on ohio this month (Summer sanitairum in columbus and the Gathering of the Juggalos near twinsburg (it was in the local paper))

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Summer Sanitarium
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2003, 11:19:41 AM »
I had a blast at the Columbus Show... That concert rocked.  and yes I was even there to see Mudvayne and they were definitely worth getting there early.



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