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Author Topic: Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason  (Read 645 times)

Offline theomen
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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« on: July 11, 2003, 08:08:07 PM »
Well it looks like the Lakers are going to dominate the NBA this season.  I have to say that I\'m sadned because it means my Kings will be Mollywhomped, but believe it or not I\'m actually a little happy to see this team come together.  Mostly because I think it will be damn entertaining to watch, maybe scores will be above 90 a game, WOW no more "Spurs Ball".  Also it means the Championship will be back in California (I guess if the Kings and Warriors can\'t win it, it might as well be the "evi" Cali team).  

But it also means that the Kings time frame is getting smaller and smaller, Vlade and C-Webb are getting old and won\'t be around/effective much longer and I don\'t think Peja is good enough to carry the team, meaning that they have 3 years to win it all before they become a low playoff seed and semi-rebuild.

Another thing that interest me about the future of the NBA is the bad teams that are on the up swing.  I think in 5 years there will be a new pecking order in the NBA with the Cavs, Warriors and Nuggets in the top echelone.  And don\'t forget about LeBron.  I\'m a huge fan of the guy and I think he just might be the savior of a sport with a dwindling fan base.

Offline shockwaves
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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2003, 08:49:36 PM »
Other teams of the future: Suns, Rockets

I\'m a little disappointed Kidd and Mourning are going to the Nets.  Had Kidd gone to the Spurs and Mourning to the Mavs, we could have had some real battles of the super powers out west.

Even with these changes, I don\'t think you can automatically count out some of the other top western teams.  We\'ll have to see how they play together.  It should be an interesting thing to see.

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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2003, 09:41:44 PM »
The Pacers should be very good in a few years after they grow up a little bit.

I want to say that Karl Malone sold out, but he doesn\'t make near the money he used to.  He took the easy way out to get a championship, if they win the Championship that is.
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Offline theomen
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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2003, 10:05:07 PM »
I agree that the Rockets Suns and Pacers will be right up there.  All three of them have great young talent to build around.  I also think that the Pistons might have some staying power, with Darko and all.  The only thing is I don\'t know how old Ben Wallace is, if he has another 5-6 years left in him, that could be a formidable front line.

Offline shockwaves
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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2003, 08:13:15 AM »
Originally posted by unfocused
I want to say that Karl Malone sold out, but he doesn\'t make near the money he used to.  He took the easy way out to get a championship, if they win the Championship that is.

How is it selling out to take less money to go where you want?  He signed for far less than he could have gotten elsewhere, and I personally think it shows how selfless he is.  Yes, he signed there to get a championship, but think of what he gave up personally.  Beyond the money, this probably kills the shot he might have had at the all time scoring record, which he had been looking to break.  By spending time on a team where he\'ll get less touches, he is throwing away his shot at such a huge personal accomplishment for the chance at a championship.  I really don\'t see what\'s so bad about that.  Did people call Ray Bourque a sell out when he won a Cup in Colorado?  This is the same sort of thing.  He doesn\'t have the time left to try and turn a franchise around.  If he wants a championship, he had no other choice but to go to a team that already had talent, and try to be the final piece.  I see nothing wrong with that, since for the rest of his career he was loyal to his team and tried to turn them around and win there.

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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2003, 09:40:16 AM »
shocks is right, only person I\'ve ever seen as a sell out is Deion Sanders, he goes where ever the dough is.

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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2003, 09:40:41 AM »
He is 40-years-old for god sakes.

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Lakers Reloaded, and NBA offseason
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2003, 02:37:52 AM »
I was going to post something about this yesterday, but I decided to let someone else do it............ ;)

Gonna be weird with all those four guys on one team, but it should be very interesting to say the least.


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