why change my avatar Kurt?
anyway,we arrived in holland late last night and I went straight to bed with the missus...thats all I\'m gonna say CHIZZY!

I\'m still gonna be here,cause I\'m bringing my laptop and will log on while I can.
I\'ve been to Amsterdam before and the coffee houses sure had some strong herbs!lol
But I smoke the stuff anyway so it wasn\'t a new experience for me,just an expensive one!
CHIZZY and ooseven,I\'ll bring you something back but I\'ll make sure I stay away from any SARS or Crab ridden prostitute and just spend all my money on porn,weed and alcohol (usual weekend budget lol)
I\'m just chilling in the hotel room at the moment but we are going into town very soon so I\'ll try and log on later.
Adan,you seriously need to book a holiday and take a break from spain and your studies mate.