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Author Topic: I\'m in love with....  (Read 641 times)

Offline Tyrant
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I\'m in love with....
« on: July 22, 2003, 07:39:21 AM »
My new mouse, its a Logitech Mx500 it cost me about 60$ but its well worth it (been saving for it for 2 months now and just got it this morning) :D, now i\'m putting a few $ everyweek to get an ICEMAT.

well this is no big deal but i just thought that i\'d share it with u guys :).
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Offline EmperorRob
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 08:00:25 AM »
I had this for 2 years:

went bad so logitech replaced it with this:

and I couldn\'t be happier.
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Offline FatalXception
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2003, 08:21:26 AM »
I also have the black cordless (with optical mouse)... it\'s sweet.  When they released the "recharger" version of the mouse, I was sooo mad, I wrote them a long letter (snailmail) saying that it\'s a big design flaw in the battery ones... cause they don\'t last...

Logitech wrote me back, and I got a free upgrade out of it.  I like logitech.

They also gave my a whole new set of 560 speakers, because my first sub didn\'t output to the rear... and all they wanted back was the control box... so I got a sub and 4 good speakers out of it!

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Offline Samwise
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 08:46:04 AM »
Logitech > MS
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline fastson
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 08:47:44 AM »
Very nice.. I have that one too! :)
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Offline Kurt Angle

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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 09:15:08 AM »
I have a logitech black optical mouse and it is pretty smooth..

Offline THX
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2003, 10:34:04 AM »
For $60 I bought the MX700 wireless version a while ago.

It\'s the best wireless mouse I\'ve used but I still plug in my Dual-optical Logitech Mouseman for gaming.

Logitech > MS

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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2003, 10:39:59 AM »
Actually THX, that MX700 is on par with the MX500 in terms of responsiveness which is basically well above and beyond just about any other optical mouse on the market.  Owning both the MX500, which I purchased, and the MX700, which I recieved as a free upgrade to a cordless elite combo I had, I couldn\'t be happier.  I still prefer to use the MX500 merely for battery life because I don\'t want the MX700 to die while playing a game online or anything.
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2003, 03:31:58 PM »
Logitech rocks, but I\'m using an older Logitech mouse. The blue MouseMan optical from a few years ago.

Best mouse ever? Well, eh.. as far as my hands are concerned!
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« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2003, 04:09:21 PM »
Ryu trust me, there are several milliseconds of latency for the mouse to create the RF waves, send em out, and the receiverer to pick it up send it to the computer.  I\'ve tried many other wireless devices out there and although this is the best one I\'ve used with its 125Hz sampling rate, there is still some latency I notice when gaming.  And I use the 700 with the base 1-2\' away.

If it were games such as UT or Max Payne I wouldn\'t mind as much but for super responsive sniping in games such as Medal of Honor I have to use wired.

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« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2003, 05:08:05 PM »
This is why I didn\'t shed any tears when I read that thread about MS shutting down their gaming input device business.  I would never buy a sidewinder anything.  I only buy Logitech keyboards, mouses, joysticks, etc etc etc.  I\'ve been satisfied with them, and I\'m a loyal customer because of that.
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2003, 05:27:57 PM »
Yea well I learned about MS input devices through experiences.  They were offering nice rebate deals with em so I bought a lot of their stuff.  Each one got worse with time, especially when I went through two Intellimouses.  I have an old Logitech that still works great.

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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2003, 08:54:50 PM »
Ryu trust me, there are several milliseconds of latency for the mouse to create the RF waves, send em out, and the receiverer to pick it up send it to the computer. I\'ve tried many other wireless devices out there and although this is the best one I\'ve used with its 125Hz sampling rate, there is still some latency I notice when gaming. And I use the 700 with the base 1-2\' away.

If it were games such as UT or Max Payne I wouldn\'t mind as much but for super responsive sniping in games such as Medal of Honor I have to use wired.

I read in a review somewhere, I\'ll check for the link later on if you need it, that you can actually boost the 125hz to something far beyond that even above that of the corded mouse.  I\'m not quite sure how much of a difference that makes, but I\'m guessing for a reviewer to go through and not even mention lag after switching to that mode, it has to be something amazing.

Personally, as I said, I don\'t notice the lag in games since I don\'t use it for gaming. :)  I have my mx500 constantly hooked up since it\'s the one model of mouse I simply can\'t go wrong with.  In my opinion, it\'s the best mouse out there to buy.  Just amazing.

***Edit:  http://www.ownt.com/hardware/reviews/2003/mxvsmx/mxvsmx.shtm

Here are the quotes I was referring to in the article:

Ucky USB and Hefty Hertz
So what hertz? Well, in this case, it\'s how many times your mouse is sending and checking the mouse\'s position on the screen. So, lets say you have a PS2 mouse and your hertz are coming in at 97 on an average. Let\'s assume for a second you have a top of the line card and are pulling out 150+ frames per second in your game. That means your video is drawing your screen more times than your mouse is refreshing its position. This is bad. You want your mouse to be at least as many FPS you are getting in your game. The higher the mouse hertz, the better. This is where the fluid mouse movement comes in. Let\'s first look at the hertz of the mice we are comparing today:

PS2 Adapter on USB Mouse: 97 Hz Average
Regular USB for both mice: 124 Hz Average
PS2 Adapter with Speedup: 195 Hz Average

And on the ps2 adapter speed up?

PS2 Adapter with Speedup
After enabling a speedup in Logitech\'s MouseWare drivers, the USB mouse with the PS2 adapter scored a whopping 195 hertz on average. This is the best score you can get. It peeked at 238 hertz, but for the average 195 was as high as it went. Gamers should take note that a PS2 mouse with a speedup utility will enable it to have more fluid movement than a USB mouse. As of the time of this review, we were unable to find any type of USB speed up utility that would increase the hertz of a USB mouse. Using a speedup program with the PS2 adapter is key if you are looking for the most fluid movement that a mouse can offer.

Speeding up that Logitech Mouse
While you can download a third party utility to speed up your Logitech mouse, it\'s recommended that you use the software Logitech has provided. After heading to Logitech\'s Site and downloading the latest version of MouseWare and installing it and getting a mouse icon next to your clock on your taskbar, simply double click the icon, click the motion tab, and at the very bottom you will see a slide bar that is defaulted at 100. Slide that puppy all the way to the right until it reaches 200. Hit OK, and you\'re set. This PS2 slide bar will only be there if you have a PS2 mouse connected, otherwise it will not appear in the MouseWare utility.

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« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2003, 09:17:54 PM »
More fluid movement, sure.  Erases latency, no.  238Hz .5 seconds later is still .5 seconds later.

Thanks for the links though, interesting read.

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
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Offline Tyrant
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I\'m in love with....
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2003, 08:12:34 AM »
man i\'m loving this mouse more each day it took me a while to get adjusted to it  (about 2 hours of use) coz its quite bigger than my old mouse, but i finally got the hang of it. also being an avid gamer theirs been a drastic improvement in my online gaming and even single player games, the mouse points faster and my aim is dead on :D.
its great even when using graphics applications PSP and photoshop.
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