Originally posted by THX
[bill & ted\'s voice] Whoa! [/shiza]
On going debate from the movie junkies is is it widescreen or are the sides chopped off?
NO the sides were not cut off Normally the screen is eight stories tall for there normal nature films or whatever they play but for the Matrix the played it widescreen so it made the movie more like 6 stories tall!
Ok heres my opion this was a great experience to watch the movie for the second time... details that I never noticed I was able to see because it was sooooo freaking huge for example everyone keeps saying how only GM cars are on the freeway sceen Im here to tell you NO when the car hit the wall and flips sideways over the car with trin and morph in it its a Intreped there werent many non-gm cars but there were some. Also the Arcitech sceen was incredible because each of the monitors in the background were so big you could actully see what was going on behind him...
BUT....... the fight sceens were terrible they are soo action packed you actually had to move your head to see a different part of the screen because it was soooo big you couldnt focus on the whole in general..
still it rocked i will definalty see the third one here if it play as long as its my second time seeing it.