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Author Topic: Prepare to be owned Norway!  (Read 1578 times)

Offline fastson
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« on: July 24, 2003, 04:30:02 PM »

A new mod for Battlefield 1942.

[n]The Story[/b]
"- Story outline for Silent Heroes -

The year is 2003. The conflict in Iraq takes longer then the Allied forces have estimated. Civil unrest makes it harder for the forces to maintain normal security in the main citys and the uprising amongst the kurds in the north puts strains in the relationship between the US-installed goverment and the NATO-country Turkey. With Bush putting Syria on the top-list over \'axis of Evil\' the US goverment sends an additional 50 000 soldiers for an preparation of an buildup for a third invasion in the middle east.

The share number of NATO-forces beeing tied up in the region made it clear to military analysts that other large campaigns would be delayed or made impossible due to lack of resources. At the same time a group of high militarys in the Swedish High Command brings out a secret plan laid out in the beginning of the 20th century and begins to update it to modern standard.

A misty sunday morning in the year 2007 five helicopters with units from the secret elit-group SSG is dropped on an borderbase while a batalion of tanks from regiment P7 rolls over the border, all according to the plan laid out.

The Invasion of Norway is under way!"

I dont know why we would want to invade them again.. Last time the union lasted almost 100 years and we got nothing out of it :p

Anyways, looks pretty neat. Fun for me as a Swede.

A typical red cabin.

Mmm, GB Glass!

The AK-5 model looks pretty accurate.
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Offline fastson
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2003, 05:19:34 PM »
Things that will be added (just Swedish things for now):

Helikopter 14 (NH90):

Bandvagn 308 (BV308): (for snow)

Stridsbåt 90H:

Helikopter 9 (Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm HKP9A):

Stridsvagn 122 (A improved Leopard 2):

Visby Corvette (not in first beta, will be added in sea-battle maps):

Robotsystem 90 (RBS 90):

Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90):

JAS 39 Gripen (not in first beta):

And regular weapons like AK5, m86 (AT4), H&K etc.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2003, 03:18:17 AM by fastson »
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Offline ooseven
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2003, 02:46:17 AM »
Don\'t you attack Norway.....

i mean don\'t they have them Stealth Boats For “defence” .

/me thinks the Norway Stealth Boat fleet is just so that they can get back to their Viking ways and make raids on Scotland.

/me builds heavy gun emplacement on east coast of Scotland with flag saying “Tongs Ya Bas” ready for the Norwegians
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Offline fastson
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2003, 03:10:10 AM »
We are after the oiiil.. And a simple way of getting kicked out of EU :p

And what are you going to do about it? Last time England approved of our attack on Norway (as a thanks for taking care of Napoleon ;) )

Norway has a stealth boat fleet? This could be fun, we just developed our own, Visby class corvette. One is finished, and 6 more are ordered. :)

Its the first "real" stealth ship that Im aware of. Both United States and Russia are interested in it.. :D

Also this unit will be added

Helikopter 15 (Agusta A109 LUHS):
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Offline Coredweller
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2003, 06:52:16 AM »
Originally posted by fastson
Its the first "real" stealth ship that Im aware of. Both United States and Russia are interested in it.. :D
You\'re kidding, right?  :laughing:   I remember seeing photos of an "accidental" sighting of a much more elaborate stealth ship in the San Francisco Bay about 10 years ago.  Just because we don\'t advertise it doesn\'t mean we don\'t already have it.  :surprised
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Offline fastson
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2003, 03:01:04 PM »
Originally posted by Coredweller
You\'re kidding, right?  :laughing:   I remember seeing photos of an "accidental" sighting of a much more elaborate stealth ship in the San Francisco Bay about 10 years ago.  Just because we don\'t advertise it doesn\'t mean we don\'t already have it.  :surprised

EDIT: Opps, I meant to say first warship.. Not first stealth ship.
Cuz I also remember a other stealthsip.. That one in James Bond,  Sea Shadow and Smyge, both test vessels.

Sea Shadow:


England are developing their own (Seawraith), the United States Navy is interested in the Visby, the maker of Visby (Kockums) might get to deliver parts for a new ship.

Some news..
Weapons that will be added:

Automatkarbin 4 (AK4 - remade H&K G3):

Automatkarbin 5 (AK5 - modified FNC 80, CGA5):

Granattillsats 40 mm Ak (Colt M203):

Kulsprutepistol m45 (Im not sure of this one, but its a classic and I hope they get it in there):

Pistol 88 (Glock 19):

Prickskyttegevär m90 (Accuracy International L96A1 AW):

Pansarskott m86 (Bofors AT-4)

The following weapons are not confirmed, but its likely that they will be put in.

Automatgevär 90 (Barrett M82A1)
Granatgevär m48 (Bofors Carl Gustav)
Granatspruta 40 mm (SACO Defense Mark 19 Mod 3)
Tung kulspruta 12,7 (FN Fabrique Nationale/Bofors)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2003, 03:26:18 PM by fastson »
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2003, 07:53:52 PM »
man bf1942 is getting quite a few mods now, thats something nice to see.
btw that awm is gonna make some counterstrike players happy.
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2003, 05:54:17 AM »
Yeah.. It would be even better if EA released the SDK.. The engine is not very mod friendly right now.
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Offline fastson
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Prepare to be owned Norway!
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2003, 11:45:35 AM »
:laughing: :laughing:

This will be the men we\'re gonna fight!


Snorrmän! :laughing: (cant translate that, and it wont be as funny in English)
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648


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