What kind of aggilities do you do? Like suicide runs (run to a mark and back, extending by 10 yards each rep, 5 reps total)?
Usually I start off with ladders, you know the ones that you just lay on the ground. We have about 5 or 6 different excercises for those. I go about 4 times completely through with each excercise, without stopping. By the end you should have achieved a puddle of sweat easily. These are just the warm ups though.
Sometimes we put cones at the end of the ladders and cut around them and what not, or shuffle. When your done doing the ladders, you\'ve covered already a few hundered yards. If I mess up I run suicides or yo-yo\'s...kind of a mental thing, to teach me not to mess up as much.
I also set up various obstacle courses that require me to shift into many modes in one setting. At the end of the course I usually have weighted jumpropes and do about 50 reps, these will burn the hell out of your triceps...it feels so good.
I also have many other things I do(all this in the turf room by the way) which I cant really recall. After that I take it to the football field and run 200 yard sprints but with various things mixed in. Like say on one every 5 steps I\'ll dip down with one hand and touch the grass, then the other, then both, and then I jump as high as I can in the air. It sounds lame but you do that for a bit and I promise you\'ll feel it.
Again I do so many various things day to day I cant remember them all, but usually towards the end of a workout I\'ll run dead sprints till I just crap out or what not. Running is not necessarily something you put sets to, it\'s something you really got to learn to push yourself at. Just push yourself a little harder each time. I also to a series of pull ups at the end, by this time Im completely drained and it requires me to put forth a little more effort. After a good rest I go to the weights and when Im done with weights it\'s right back to running a little more.
....If you really want to get strength in your legs let me recomend running with sleds, are if you dont have a sled present just tie a rope to a tire and an innertube. Put the innertube around your body and pull like hell.