First, anyone hear about the barried jet planes they RECENTLY found in Iraq that happened? If it took them this long to find something THAT big in the desert, try finding viles, or even drums, of WMD in the desert.
Second, when it concerns the power situation...have you ever asked yourself, were there power there in the first place? Getting power back on is a little hard when there are areas that didn\'t have power in the first place now is it? Certain questions...people seem to convienantly not answer that question.
Third, lawlessness. What lawlessness? Sure, you may not have complete order like you did in Saddam\'s day, but what would you rather have? Absolutely no freedom to do anything for order or a freedom from the fear but with some "lawlessness"? I don\'t know about you, but I would rather have freedom then having to fear being raped, tourtured, or even murdered in order to have "order". Is Iraq a nice place? No. But what did you expect right AFTER the war ended? Instant peace and prosperity? :rolleyes:
Fourth, protecting the oil infrastructure and other government buildings. Well, first, if the oil infrastructure goes, where will the Iraqis get the money to rebuild their nation, and even rise up from the poverty that was inflicted on them by Saddam? Second, the government need those documents in order find those WMD. If the USA loses those, it would make it even harder to find those weapons the people on the left are bitching about. Of coarse, I guess that would be the point since they never like the war in the first place. Third, limited CAN\'T have soldiers in every place protecting everything. You have to priorities. Also, like it or not, the war wasn\'t about helping civilians (maybe the positive after effect, but not the main reason) but finding those WMD. That gets priority first, then helping the civilians (which speaking of that...I will touch on this issue a little later).
Fifth, our soldiers being killed nearly everyday now. Unfortuenetly, until we get the police going again, it forces our soliders have to be the police force. Or do you want us to simply leave the nation and let the Iraqis fight it out? I\'m fine with that...but of coarse, that won\'t be right would simply be wrong to let them deal with their own problems. But unless you have a better way of helping our soldiers while sill helping the Iraqis, I\'m all for it.
Sixth, the news coverage. As I have stated in this thread, its not simply what is being told that is missing in the coverage, but also what is NOT being told. How come you never hear the stories about the soldiers rebuilding schools, hospitals, and helping the people of Iraq get back in its feet? All you hear is how horrible the war is going from the media types. Fair and balanced? :rolleyes: