Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Bob - when\'s the new Perfect Circle cd released and what\'s it called?
I can\'t wait! It\'s been to long...I\'ve almost grown tired of playing Mer De Noms every frickin day.
It\'s called the Thirteenth Step
I know their newest song hit the radio waves in the US last week, it\'s called "Weak and Powerless". And from what I heard (the version recorded off the radio), it sounds like a decent song. The chorus may take a while to really grow on me, though. It\'s hard to get the CD version though.
The albumn hits the shelves on the 16th of September. Probably longer for me.

Well I just downloaded the CD version and I must say it\'s a really good song. I still think the chorus lacks a little power, but it\'s still nice. Hell, just go
here if you wanna hear the song. Not sure of it\'s quality, though.