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Author Topic: Some Questions  (Read 1293 times)

Offline Cerberus

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Re: Some Questions
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2003, 03:46:43 PM »
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
   Get it transferred into £sterling and spend it

2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you chose?
   Andrea Corr OR Shania Twain

3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose?
   Vanessa Feltz

4) What kinds of books are you interested in?
   Motorsport, I don\'t go in for story books much

5) What sports did you play in High School?
   Football (proper)

6) What clubs were you in in high school?
   Detention mostly, it was quite a select club.

7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards?
   No, not to my knowledge anyway

8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?
   Lock myself in my bedroom and do "stuff"

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do?
   Same as 8, but for 28 days

10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose?
    Help a child fund, as much as I like animals, I know where my priorities are

11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be?
    Motorsport movie, but not a crappy sly stallone one

12) What smily on this board is your favorite?

13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?
    never found one yet

14) What online picture is your favorite?
    I\'ll get back to this one

15) What car would you like to own one day?
    I wouldn\'t say no to a formula 1 car

16) House or apartment?

17) Band geek? Book smart?
    pffff, no idea what they mean..... book smart

18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?
    This one

19) Beside the country you live in, what other country would you like to live in?
    Monte Carlo, Portugal, Canada

20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones?
    3 TV\'s, 3 Phones

21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar?

22) What time is it where you are?

23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards?
    Dunno, don\'t relly have one <<<<<<< looking for a friend

EDIT: Let me add one.
24) If you could be any bug, what would it be?
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

Offline PS2_-'_'-_PS2
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Some Questions
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2003, 03:49:33 PM »
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do? Get the best sound system money could buy. And the best electric guitar.

2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you chose? Alyssa Milano

3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose? Eminem.

4) What kinds of books are you interested in? Terry Pratchett ones.

5) What sports did you play in High School? Not really a competitve sport but - climbing, tennis, football (soccer)

6) What clubs were you in in high school? Young Enterprise (a thing where u work with a group of peeps and make a mini business) (next term(semester))

7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards? Nope

8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do? What do u think!

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do? Hmm may get boring after a month

10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose? COCA -  Cant remeber what that stands for but we helped them build a house last year in our school by having various charity events

11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be? - Horror (i would mak ethe best horror movie ever - psychological horror is the way forward)

12) What smily on this board is your favorite? The sperm one

13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?

14) What online picture is your favorite?um sexy ones

15) What car would you like to own one day? Not into cars - anything from 2fast2furiso (apperantly they are all crap though)

16) House or apartment? House

17) Band geek? Book smart? Book

18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?
19) Beside the country you live in, what other country would you like to live in? None - Scotland rules!!!

20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones? 5, 6

21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar? 4

22) What time is it where you are? 10 to one in the morning

23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards? mm

EDIT: Let me add one.
24) If you could be any bug, what would it be? butterfly (that doesnt make me gay)
\"A key to the understanding of all religions is that a god\'s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs\"


Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Re: Some Questions
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2003, 03:58:56 PM »
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

Save it.  Finish my apprenticeship, then set myself up.  :)

2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you chose?

Yah, it\'d have to be Stacy Keibler.  :)

3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose?

Carrot Top.

4) What kinds of books are you interested in?


5) What sports did you play in High School?

Cricket, Rugby, Tennis.

6) What clubs were you in in high school?


7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards?

Hmm.. I think perhaps a couple of years ago one signed up.. Hasn\'t been back in a long time, though (good).

8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?

Probably freak out.

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do?

Definately freak out.

10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose?

Animal shelter.  I don\'t like people.

11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be?


12) What smily on this board is your favorite?


13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?

14) What online picture is your favorite?

Anything that feaures myself, polishing a hardwood floor.  So, lots..

15) What car would you like to own one day?

Solar powered.

16) House or apartment?

House.  I like pets.

17) Band geek? Book smart?

Band smart?

18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?

A bunch.

19) Beside the country you live in, what other country would you like to live in?

New Zealand, Canada, USA, England.

20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones?

3, 2 (not including mobiles).

21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar?


22) What time is it where you are?

10am.  Oops, better get ready for work soon.

23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards?

Ginko?  Yeah.. *shrugs*  I don\'t chat with many people from these boards anymore.

24) If you could be any bug, what would it be?

A big one.

Offline Kimahri
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Re: Some Questions
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2003, 04:53:21 PM »
Originally posted by Titan
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

Two chicks at the same time man.

Offline Kenshin
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Some Questions
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2003, 07:04:25 PM »
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
I\'d give 250,000 to my dad, 250,000 to my mom, 100,000 to my sister and with the remaining 400,000, I\'d buy myself a house.

2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you chose?
Ayumi Hamasaki.

3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose?
Christina Aguilera.

4) What kinds of books are you interested in?
Comic books...lol jk Adventure and action based books. (Comic books too :D )

5) What sports did you play in High School?

6) What clubs were you in in high school?
Don\'t mess with me or I\'ll shove a football down your throat kinda club. (no real clubs).

7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards?

8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?
Roam around the women\'s shower room in a gym that only has beautiful women.

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do?
Pretend it was my time of the month every day and just give everyone a bitchy hard time.

10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose?

11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be?

12) What smily on this board is your favorite?
The smiley...smily :) .

13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?
The Homer simpson doh one from...some site.

14) What online picture is your favorite?
My cpu is a neural net processor...a learning compoota...

15) What car would you like to own one day?
The one in Men in black 2...hyper speed and all.

16) House or apartment?

17) Band geek? Book smart?
Neither...anime geek.

18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?
Why are you asking so many questions?

19) Beside the country you live in, what other country would you like to live in?
Japan (Duh!).

20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones?
3 TVs...5 Phones.

21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar?

22) What time is it where you are?
8 PM.

23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards?

EDIT: Let me add one.
24) If you could be any bug, what would it be?
Praying Mantis.

25) Who is your daddy and what does he do?
You\'re not worth it...I\'m pressing CHARGES AGAINST YOU!!! ...California.


Offline Ryu
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Some Questions
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2003, 07:23:45 PM »
1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
- Buy my family a new house (fully paid off of course), one new car, then use the rest for college.

2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you choose?
- Utada Hikaru

3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose?
- Jennifer Lopez

4) What kinds of books are you interested in?
- Action\\Thrillers

5) What sports did you play in High School?
- None unless PE counts.

6) What clubs were you in in high school?
- The dork club?  I wasn\'t interested in anything enough to join a club for it, and those things that I was interested in didn\'t have clubs.

7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards?
- They do indeed.

8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?
- Probably do the same thing I do every night, Pinky - Try to take over the world!

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do?
- Try to take over the world 30 times?

10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose?
- Animal shelter.

11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be?
- So many to choose from.  Probably do an action film though.

12) What smily on this board is your favorite?
- ;)

13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?
- Too many to choose from.

14) What online picture is your favorite?
- None.

15) What car would you like to own one day?
- Aston Martin Vanquish.

16) House or apartment?
- House.

17) Band geek? Book smart?
- Book Smart.

18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?
- Gaming-age forums and a couple of others.

19) Beside the country you live in, what other country would you like to live in?
- Japan, Canada, and probably England.  It\'d be nice to have health care and dental care totaly free.

20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones?
- 4 Televisions and 4 phones (not including cells).

21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar?
- 12.

22) What time is it where you are?
- 8.20PM

23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards?
- I don\'t really play favorites.  I guess I would say I love Rya dearly and Kenshin is my best friend.  

EDIT: Let me add one.
24) If you could be any bug, what would it be?
- Caterpillar.  One day you are totaly stuck to the ground, crawling about and trying to stay alive, but then you are a butterfly and you take to the skies.  The evolution of freedom is just beautiful.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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